[Center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230630/dbab70c9b1cdcc2c03d8d06889f71821.png[/img][/center] Barracker’s mind flooded with thoughts. Soft embraces and warm cuddles. He could not help but picture the two of them having afternoons in ‘Golden Tree Park’. He was glad Evelyne seemed to be getting settled, well enough in Capitol city. Moving to another city can be tough but Evelyne was smart and likeable so it was likely she would be fine. But that wouldn’t stop Barracker worrying about her, so it was relieving to read in her own words that she was doing good. Furthermore to add the good news Krillen had arrived in Capitol city, giving her someone she knew from Valhiem. Barracker smiled. His best friend Krillen, who saved up enough money through his bare-knuckle fighting, wanted to journey around the country. So Barracker had made him promise to drop by and make sure Evelyne felt well and had some company from time to time. Old faces to ease her home sickness. A stranger came into view and took a seat on the other end of the bench, while the paladin was reading the letter a second time. "I know that look." Barracker eyes flickered over to meet the strangers gaze. "That's the look of a man in love. So familiar. Seen it in friends, of course. Not me. I don't love these girls." [Colour=Green] “Is that so?”[/colour] Barracker shot back in a friendly manner. He lost himself for a moment while giddy with flowery thoughts about his love. It was unlike himself to casually shoot a smile at strangers. Strangers weren’t usually showing interest in Barracker’s business, rather than showing disgust or fear. Barracker’s demeanour tried to go back to guarded and wary, but the man’s proud statement about never being in love reminded him of his best friend, Krillen, who was forever breaking hearts back in the day. “Well... that might be up for debate as of recently, but never mind that." "The point is: I know that look all too well." Even the cocky way he talked sounded just like Krillen. "What's she like?" Barracker sighed and looked out into the distance of the park as he searched for the right words to explain. The luxury of getting these words out aloud, never having to see this man again, was something he was in the right mood to take advantage of. [Colour=Green] “Care-giving, a pure heart which could melt anyone’s heart. She has a loving soul with emerald eyes that could light up anyone’s world. She’s the kind of girl who makes you…”[/colour] Barracker stops himself realising he would take up the next hour of this stranger’s life. His thoughts stayed on Evelyne for a moment and then he looked at the stranger. [Colour=Green]“What about you? You said love is up for debate, as of recently. Tell me about her, if you don’t mind.”[/colour]