[center][h2]My Isekai Costumed Adventures[/h2][/center] [hr] [center][i]If you were torn from where and what you knew and were familiar with, then thrust into somewhere strange and unknown... What would you do, and how would you respond, I wonder? Let's find out, shall we~?[/i] [b]-- Mysterious Voice.[/b] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQwxKpu-HfA[/youtube][/center] [b]Synopsis:[/b] It was a day like any other, or perhaps it wasn't. Perhaps you had just had the very best time of your life, or mayhaps you'd just suffered the darkest hour of your entire existence so far. It may have even been just another unremarkable, mundane day with nothing to set it apart from any other. In the end, that isn't relevant at all. It doesn't matter if you were awake or asleep, at home or outdoors or even visiting someone or somewhere else. It didn't matter if you were in the middle of doing anything or doing nothing at all, for in the end, the last thing you can recall is hearing that strange, disembodied voice seemingly out of nowhere... And then everything went black. ... But then it got bright again. Too bright in fact. You woke up. On your back. Staring into a pretty, cloudless sky. A soft breeze was blowing and you could smell the fragrant scent of ... A forest? Wait a minute... As you sit upright you find that you're in a clearing of some kind... In a forest or woods you don't recognize at all... Also, there're other people along with you, also on the ground... But what are they wearing!? ... Wait... What're [i][b]you[/b][/i] wearing?! When did you put [b][i]this[/i][/b] thing on!? More importanntly, where the heck did it come from?! You're pretty sure this wasn't part of your existing wardrobe and it sure as hell wasn't what you were wearing before you conched out into a drunken blackness a while back. But for better or worse, it seems you're now stuck in some random place, wearing ... Whatever [i]this[/i] is.... Surrounded by a bunch of strangers in equally bizarre or outrageous outfits... And, of course, you don't have your phone, your wallet or... Heck, even the clothes you [i]were[/i] wearing just a moment ago. All you've got is whatever this ridiculous get-up is... And questions... So many questions... But one question is more important than all the rest: [b][i]What the hell do you do next?[/i][/b] [hr] [b]Introduction:[/b] Welcome to [u][b]MICA[/b][/u], friend. This RP is based on the series 'Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear', a fantasy adventure comedy series about a girl who gets transported to another world and ends up with an overpowered and blatantly broken bear-costume... But her abilities and powers are all tied to that one costume, and without it, she's actually quite helpless. And that's what this story is going to be all about as well. You, the players, are going to be playing as humans from our time-period and earth, who get spirited away to another world completely unfamiliar to you, and get stuck with nothing but a bizarre, strange, embarrassing and/or outrageous costume or outfit of your own. Now, unlike the story this RP is based on, your outfits aren't broken or overpowered from the very beginning - because if they were, it'd just be silly and boring. No, instead, you - as outsiders from this world - don't possess the innate abilities and biology of the natural residents, which means that you can't really do stuff like use magic or perform super-human feats of speed, stregth and/or endurance... But thanks to your costumes, you can bridge the gap between yourselves and the various floral, fauna and natives of this new and strange place. But remember, just like the series its based on, [i][b]all[/b][/i] your powers and abilities are linked to whatever costume or get-up you're wearing. And they're personalized, so nobody else can use 'em! Well, I mean, anyone can [i]wear[/i] them, but they don't get access to do stuff you do when you put it on. This is going to be a mostly adventure and comedy-based RP, with elements of dungeon-crawling, monster-hunting, JRPG tropes, over-the-top battle sequences and a tiny bit of drama and mystery. But just a pinch. For the most part, it'll be about silly, fun and light-hearted excursions and interactions, both between yourselves as players and the local inhabitants you run into. It won't be fun and games and shennanigans all the time, but if you're looking for grimdark, super-serious and bittersweet storytelling, this probably isn't going to be what you're looking for. With that, let's get on with the stuff you'll actually need to know in order to participate! [hr] [b]Basic Information:[/b] The world you'll be going to is one of a medieval fantasy setting. There is magic and monsters, the feudal system is very much still in effect and things like firearms or anything even remotely resembling modern technology just doesn't exist. Things that we, in our modern society, take for granted or consider common knowledge may in fact be things that the sentient people of this new world are completely unaware of, such as how atoms work. Also be aware that it doesn't matter what you were holding or carrying with you before coming to the new plane of existence, as the only thing you'll have on you when we start is the costume you were bestowed. Other then that, the enviroment and nature of where we'll be starting is similar enough to central/western european standards. it'll be summer, or early summer/late spring and the time of day at the very beginning will be slightly before noon. You've all also been given the innate ability to speak, read and write the common language of the new world, even without your outfits on - as otherwise you wouldn't be able to communicate. But this is the [i]only[/i] ability and power that isn't directly linked to your get-up, so keep that in mind. While you're free to talk and interact with other player characters as much as you want, you're only allowed to make one post regarding any NPCs or enemies each posting-round. As an exmaple, if you attack a wolf and then another player posts about attacking the same wolf, you can't post again about further attacking that wolf - or any other nearby enemies - until the next GM post. Likewise, once you've said something to an NPC, you can't add more conversation just bcause someone else talks to them as well. If you want to expedite conversations, interactions or fights, I suggest you request doing a [b]collab[/b]-post. I will post an update every sunday, so each posting-round will be one week, unless everyone else has already posted, in which case I'll post as soon as I can. Oh, and in case you were thinking of making a serial killer or person whoo'd commit war-crimes or something... Just no. Whatever power or entity decided to isekai your character to this new world made sure to transport only people who wouldn't actively/willingly want to cause harm or destruction, nor be misanhropic or callous and malign. YOu don't have to be a saint or generic anime protagonist who screams and shouts about friendship and getting along, but you also can't be a total ass who abuses their potential new sweet powers. The RP will start off by you all just having woken up in the clearing/glen described in the synopsis. From there, your adventures in this new, strange and exciting world can begin. [hider=Rules:] [list][*]0. As the GM, I reserve tthe right to add, edit or remove rules to this list as I see fit,, whenever or if-ever I so desire. [*]1. When I make a ruling or decision as the GM, it is to be respected and followed. You are free to voice your opposition, but please do so in a PM. [*]2. Unless specifically mentioned in a post,[b] do not [/b] auto-hit or insta-kill any creature or person in the RP. [*]3. If you engage in PvP with another player, [i][b]I[/b][/i] will decide who wins or loses, or if its a draw, based on your individual posts and actions. [*]4. Do not take actions, force reactions or choose responses for other players' characters. You may interact or do whatever you want, but you'll let the person controlling that character decide what to do. [*]5. No meta-gaming. Knowledge, information or things your character shouldn't/couldn't know about in-character is not to be exploited or acted upon. If you, as a player know that someone is lying, but youer charcter is naive and gullible, you shouldnm't realistically be able to tell or know that something's wrong. Nor should you know about things your character hasn't learned about. [*]6. Be respectful and cordial with each other. I'm not telling you to be all PC and love one another, but be polite and have some manners when interacting, even if you have disagreements. [*]7. No flame wars or OOC drama. If you want to argue, take it to PMs or ask me to resolve it. Continued or repeat offenses wil lead to being kicked out of the RP. [*]8. No R18 material please. It's fine if you want to implicate things or do a bit of fan-service, but nothing explicitly ... Explicit... That'll get the RP shut down and everyone invovled banned just 'cuz you were feeling thirsty. If you [i]have[/i] to do the lewds, do them in PMs. [*]9. This RP will update once every sunday, regardless of who has and hasn't posted. If you miss posting after 2 updates, you'll be considered inactive and be kicked out. Characters who are kicked from the story will be treated as if they were never there to begin with, and all other players and characters will lose any recollection or memory of ever having interacted with that person. 10. If you need time off from the RP, contact me, either in PM or in the OOC. Do [b]not[/b] assume I'm going to check your personal page or status, because I won't. [*]11. Have fun and enjoy your time, both with the story and each other. :) [*]12. You may only ever have one active character at any one point in the story. [*]13. Post your character applications in the OOC, and [b][i]never[/i][/b] in the Characters Tab of the thread. Only I will be posting in that section. [*]14. To make sure you've read the rules, put the name of your favorite candy-bar at the bottom of your CS.[/list][/hider] [hider=Character Sheet Template:] Use the provided character sheet below. Do not change any of, or use your own, structure and version of this template. Only characters using the provided CS template will be eligible for approval. [hider=Appearance:][i]Picture and/or description, of both your character and, if they're not wearing it in an image, their costume. Also, due to my eyes, please fill in the below bits as well.[/i] [i]Height:[/i] [i] Eye Color:[/i] [i]Hair Color:[/i] [/hider] [b]Name:[/b][b] Age:[/b] 14 - 45 [b]Nationality:[/b] [i]Which country on our Earth your character is from[/i] [b]Occupation:[/b] [i]What did you do for a living back on earth?[/i] [i]Gender:[/i] [b]Personality:[/b] [i]Tell us what your character is like, how they act, what they value, what they (dis)like, their mannerisms and quirks,e tc. Also make sure to include how they feel about their costume.[/i] [b]Background:[/b] [i]Where your character comes from, grew up, maybe a little bit about their family or personal life. If they have a job or go to school. Remember to include where they were and what they were doing right before being snatched from our world.[/i] [u][b]Costume Overview:[/b][/u] [b]Type:[/b] [i]Warrior, Rogue, Caster, Artificer or Hybrid - The types and what they do are explained further down.[/i] [b]Source:[/b] W[i]here or from what does your costume draw its inspiration/motifs/design?[/i] [b]Imagery:[/b] [i]For example, if you're wearing a clown-costume, your imagery would be 'Circus' or 'gags'. Basically, what is the primary theme associated with your costume. This has a direct impact on what you'll want to center your skills/spells around to maximize their potential.[/i] [b]Powers/Abilities/Spells:[/b] - [i][b] Auto-Cleaning:[/b][/i] Your costume somehow washes itself daily, meaning you never need to worry about stains or bad smell! - [i][b]Auto-Repair:[/b][/i] Should your costume ever become torn or damaged, don't worry! It somehow restores and repairs itself daily, meaning maintenance is a non-issue! ... Unless you're in a still on-going fight. - [i][b]Pajama Party:[/b][/i] Your costume has the ability to engage an alternative mode, which changes it into nightwear. If this is a pair of large boxers or a neglige or camisole, or a full set of garter-belt frilly black naughty nightstuff, that's for you to decide! Once you've picked a design though, it cannot be changed. - [i][b]Stat Boost (minor):[/b][/i] [i]Depending on which type of costume you picked, you gain a small passive boost to the correlating primary attributes. Do not touch this section though, the GM will fill it in once your sheet is accepted and posted in the characters tab.[/i] - [i][b]Your First Skill/Spell:[/b][/i] This is where you get to name and describe your very first costume-related active ability. It can be anything you want! Well, anything within reason. You can't just start dropping meteors or summoning dragons at the very start of the story. But you can decide if you want it to be themed to your costume or something entirely different. Note that the GM may make changes to your skill in case of it being too much... Of course, you'll be informed before your sheet is finalized so you can discuss the matter. [i]Don't forget to read the [b]Rules.[/b] :)[/i][/hider] [hider=Costume Mechanics & Info:] [b]Types:[/b] Types are what your costume will mainly focus on and excel at. While not making it impossible to make skills or spells that would be more thematically appropriate for other types, this will determine what passives or general skills/spells/abilities your costume will get as you grow. I.E. the abilities and powers you'll get from the GM. It also impacts how strong your various skills/spells will be. For example, a [u][b]Warrior[/b][/u] who casts a fireball will always be worse at, and do less damage, than a [u][b]Caster[/b][/u] would - even if the fireball is properly themed to their costume. Anyway, on to the actual types! [list][*][b]Warrior:[/b] This one focuses on physical attributes such as strength, endurance, stamina, toughness and etc. Its the best class for people who want to either take a lot of physical punishment or dish out big physical damage. If your costume uses a physical ranged weapon, such as a gun or bow or likewise, this is also the proper type for that. [*][b]Rogue:[/b] This type focuses on dexterity, finesse, hand-eye-coordination, agility, speed and reflexes. This is the type for people who want to zip around, darting in and out, performing acrobatics and parkour, doing lots of jumping and such. If you like mobility, this is for you. [*][b]Caster:[/b] This type foregoes most physical attributes in favor of spellcraft. It focuses on magic power, magic resistance, elemental manipulation, concentration, magic recovery, esper/psionic abilities and so on. If you've ever wanted to be a wizard or spellcaster who flings lightning bolts and magic missiles around, this is the type you'll want. [*][b]Artificer:[/b] This type is not so much built for fighting, but instead for crafting. This class focuses on the many aspects of creation, such as carpentry, masonry, alchemy, smithing, engineering, jewelcrafting, cooking, tailoring, leatherworking and so forth. Its perfect for those of you who want to become a master craftsman... Of every craft! EVER! [*][b]Hybrid:[/b] The hybrid is a type that combines two of the above classes. Depending on what you want to focus most on, you'll need to be careful how you list it. For example, if you want something like a Spellblade who can use both magic and martial skills, you'd want to make something like a [b]Warrior/Caster[/b]. However, the first class in the name is the [i]primary[/i] class, and is what your costume will focus around. So, if you want to be a fighter who can cast some spells, then Warrior/Caster is fine, but if you want to be a wizard who can do some fighting in case of an emergency, like a battle-mage, you'd want to be a Caster/Warrior instead. Remember, the first class is [i][b]always[/b][/i] the primary/focal type. You may not have a hybrid that's three or more types though, only two.[/list] Also, please be aware that once you've chosen a type and your CS is accepted, you cannot change it. Unless you make a brand new character and discard the previous one. Likewise, you cannot remove or replace existing skills/spells/abilities, so make sure that when you get prompted to make a new one, you pick and make something you like. [b]Growing:[/b] To grow stronger and get new abilities if, mechanically, very simple. Doing all the typical game-y things like slaying monsters/defeating enemies, exploring unknown areas and doing chores/errands/quests for the locals will all count towards your costume growing stronger. When a certain (arbitrary) threhold is met, you'll be prompted in the OOC to make one (or more) new skills/spells for your CS - which will then be added by me, along with new passives/misc. abilities that are in line with your outfit's type, and sometimes themed or geared towards your character. Note that your costume only grows stronger if you're wearing it, so if you thought you were just gonna walk around a hidden dungeon in normal clothes and only put on your outfit when the need arises, think again! Not using it means no delicious EXP for you![/hider] [hr] [b]The Cast:[/b] Here's the currently active cast of the story and links to their respective character sheets. [list][*][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5472491]Sayu Takayomi[/url] - Played by: [@Hammerman] [*][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5472529]Aria Everhart[/url] - Played by: [@Qia] [*][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5472819]Charlotte Roberts[/url] - Played by: [@Crusader Lord] [*][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5473594]Cecilia Feilding[/url] - Played by: [@Click This] [/list] [hr] [b]Final Notes:[/b] I don't use Discord myself, but if you want to set one up, feel free to do so. Just leave me a link and I'll add it to this first post. Likewise, I don't use Google-docs, on account of my bad eyes, but if you want to set something up with that, just let me know and I'll link it as well. If you want to get in touch with me, the best way to do so is either by posting in the OOC; PM'ing me or adding me on Steam. My username is, unexpectedly, Xaltwind. With that, let's all have some fun. :)