[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230120/a43c1391d36ad41d7b3afa38147dbe11.png[/img][/center] [color=6ecff6]"Don't mention it dude, true be told at the time I didn't even know what I was doing, I guess I was still acclimatizing or something but at the time I wasn't as good as I am now with the whole, mhm, I guess the word I want to use is 'sensing'? Or at least it's the one that feels closer to it"[/color] He continued to eat between bites, it was good but it could have used some more spice and salt... did they use spice in their local/national cuisine? This place seemed to follow European and American customs in the clothing and building department but maybe they had some more exotic aspects to their culinary culture? But the real question was, did they use spice like he was accustomed to? Or they used the Indian approach? Or perhaps they decided they didn't want spice in their food, in which case he would have to find a supplier for personal use. [color=6ecff6]"But frankly I should be the one thanking you, if you hadn't made the skeletons flee then we would have lost a lot more people"[/color] He still remembered those guards that decided to help him and didn't make it, as well as those in the infirmary, for a moment he spared a thought for the apprentice that helped him but then his mind caught back on what Adam had commented on his day. [color=6ecff6]"Oh? Did you find anything useful in those books you got? I managed to get a copy of a book about the theology of this place but the most we know about this place is the best"[/color] Some things were common sense enough that he had figured them out without resorting to an explanation from a local but it would be better to have confirmation nonetheless [color=6ecff6]"More than anything I am interested in the customs of this place, I skimmed a little on my book and some of the beliefs in here are not things that [i]we[/i] would usually do"[/color] The book was mostly stories about the Deities of Mytheria with some sort of lesson attached to it -most of the time- others were just recollections of what people observed and the common beliefs, like the deities that were more likely to give you some small modicum of attention based on what you were, what you did, and what you believed in. It was also thick as hell, just skimming through the pages took him a solid hour during the night, another reason he should thank god there was coffee in this place. And speaking of coffee [color=6ecff6]"Hey Adam, shifting the conversation to a new route, I remember you growing plants on the fly, you think you could do the same with edible stuff? I was thinking about buying supplies but if you could grow things quickly it would be easier to buy seeds or something, both for cost and weight"[/color] He left out the fact that he wanted to know if he could grow Chile and Coffee, that could come later once he found someone selling some. Even if he couldn't that ability of his was the most useful of all of them, from what he had seen they all had come with something slightly unusual for their classes, like Zell's teleportation ability or his own 'Open' nature, he wasn't sure what were the others 'Gifts' but he was sure they all had something, if they learned to leverage them properly then that would be for the best, they had already lost two people and he was not ready to lose more.