[hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/JggQfxy.png[/img][hr][b][Color=00ffff]Location:[/color][/b] Framework simulation [B][Color=00ffff]Skills: [/color][/b] [B][Color=00ffff]Equipment: [/color][/b]Shieldmaiden armor[/center][hr]As she predicted, Diana could be heard on the horn where Usagi was before. Vicky could not help but feel a smug smile settle on her face as she predicted that correctly, perfectly happy about it being hidden by her helmet. That said, she seemed to be having trouble remembering exactly what happened. So Vicky got on a horn of her own, jacking the speakers on her suit to maximum volume. [Color=00ffff]"What do you mean? As far as I'm aware, the third time you killed yourself, and the first time it could be argued it was your arrogance that killed you, really. I mean, seriously now? You stopped within punching range to brag about the fact you didn't even do what you set out to do, and then gloated about it being good enough. You better not get into any rap battles, because you'll get laughed out of them." [/color]She could not help teasing a bit. [Color=00ffff]"Still, if food is a required compensation for doing what we were told to do, then I guess a dinner AND breakfast in bed are on me? So long as I'm not obliged to be the one cooking, I don't want to [i]actually[/i] kill you for real." [/color]She shrugged. Seeing that Leah seemed to have the giant red monster somewhat in hand, she looked at the rest ofthe battlefield. Having blasted Edward to oblivion rather than Zari was unexpected, but not unwelcome or for that matter unplanned. Victoria's grand strategy was to get herself to a situation where she had the most lives left, and then launch attacks at masse to kill everyone, at the expense of her life if need be. In the end, she would come out on top. That meant killing Edward as soon as Zari was down a heart. Diana merely expedited the effort. Now, she merely needed to blow herself up twice and- [Color=00ffff][i]NGHH!!![/i] [/color] She groaned in her mind as the Felix Infernal shouted again and she felt herself die twice over. She had to fight down the urge to just take her helmet off and blast a hole through her own head, just so she could be done with this shit! [Color=00ffff][i]So that's what it is. We're not playing hunger games. We're not playing Zelda. We are in fucking [b]worms[/b]. Probably what she thinks of us, too.[/i][/color] [Color=00ffff][i]Okay, breathe innnnnn... Breathe outttttt... I'm fine, I'm fine. Plan B...[/i][/color] Vicky looked around. Diana was dead. Leah was trying to contain the monser. Ed was looking around, disgruntled. Zari was fawning over a blade. And herself, she has done more teaching than learning here. This entire session summed up in a word? [i]Lame.[/i][Color=00ffff] "That's it. Everyone dies."[/color] She grumbled for herself and charged up her hand projectors. Two beams of red lasers sliced through the air, only to shut down immediately as the MF generators gave out under the load, as in her bewildered state, she forgot to let them cool down after the boosted attack. [Color=00ffff] [i]Okay. It's okay. Breathe innnnnnn...[/i] "FuuuUUUCK!"[/color] [hider=Personal notes] [code] - Implement redundancies while defending against teleporters. One generator is not enough. - Why the FUCK does a power line for my CHEST generator run on my BACK?! Rewire this, ASAP. - Actually, rewire all of the generators with a redundant power line. It should not get disabled by one bloody stab! - Create and carry a spare parts kit with you to a fight. This time it was an MFG, but what if it'S a leg actuator, or you GET EMP'd? Right, properly EMP harden the spare parts kit, too. - I should talk to Diana about how her powers work, see if I can come up with dome equipment to prevent them from failing deadly. Some sort of probability stabilizing field? Entanglement undersuit? Adrenalin shot? Aderall? - Talk to Ed about how to communicate during a mission. - Commit acts of animal cruelty. [/code] [/hider] [hider=M-F generator allocation] [color=00ffff]Left rear, Right rear: [/color]Idle [color=00ffff]Chest: [/color]Disabled [color=00ffff]Left hand, Right hand: [/color]Destroyed [/hider]