[@Crimson Flame] Elaborated on Kieran's abilities and added an animal companion: [hider=Kieran Bradshaw][h1][b][u][color=BB1CFF]Human[/color][/u][/b][/h1] [b][color=BB1CFF]Name:[/color][/b] Kieran Bradshaw [b][color=BB1CFF]Age:[/color][/b] 18 [b][color=BB1CFF]Appearance:[/color][/b] [img]https://i.imgur.com/dqa79JO.jpg[/img] Kieran stands at 6'2", with a lanky beanpole build. He has pale skin and soft, narrow features. His wardrobe consists of simple hoodies, T-shirts and jeans, all in black - he views dressing up as an unnecessary hassle, hence his perpetually messy hair, but he'll accessorise with the occasional skull ring or chunky neck chain. He has a few tattoos he designed himself; on his upper back is a black crescent moon with wispy clouds across it, and on his right forearm is a fountain pen with a swirl of ink. [b][color=BB1CFF]Personality:[/color][/b] Despite his dark and gloomy appearance, Kieran is one of the most laid-back, upbeat people you'll meet. It takes a lot to anger or upset him. While it means he isn't the most responsible person and has trouble taking life seriously, it makes him easy to get along with - as long as you can handle his pranks, his dark sense of humour, and the spooky stories he likes to tell. He has a mischievous streak, quietly watching and waiting for the best moment to pull a practical joke. He's a coolly confident young man, and tends to think he can handle situations that end up getting him in over his head. He'll think up a plan, only to overlook something important, leading to his friends having to bail him out. To which he'll keep up as much of his usual chill attitude as possible, and say he was sure could've gotten things under control (all while being grateful deep down). He has a strong creative side, and carries a sketchpad around with him at all times, filled with everything from quick scribbles to intricate drawings. He knows inspiration can strike anywhere. [b][color=BB1CFF]History:[/color][/b] Being the son of an established horror graphic novelist, Douglas Bradshaw, has its advantages and disadvantages. It meant Kieran grew up admiring his father as a role model, and developing a keen creative sense himself. Unfortunately, it also got him viewed as a weirdo at school. "Eerie Kieran", his peers would call him. Whenever anything went wrong, other kids would spread rumours that he secretly made deals with demons to put curses on people. Kieran became withdrawn, trying to draw as little attention to himself as possible, which only made him more of a target. Thankfully, as many jerks as there were in the school, there were also those who didn't judge him, and even thought it cool who his dad was. He gravitated towards a group of other boys his age, and their friendship gave him confidence. Throughout his teenage years, he learned to own his dark and spooky reputation. He started making up ghost stories. He developed a liking for classic goth rock music like Bauhaus and Sisters of Mercy. He became open about enjoying things typically seen as odd or macabre. And if anyone gave him flack for it, he'd either shrug it off, or go along with how the bullies viewed him and try to deliberately creep them out. He was Eerie Kieran and proud. He didn't really consider what he wanted to do with his life until his late teens - there didn't seem to be a great deal of options for creative types - but his friends and family encouraged him to pursue art college anyway. He's decided to work towards becoming a tattoo artist. Still, he wants to hang out and have fun with the group as much as possible before he starts higher education. [h1][b][u][color=BB1CFF]Magic[/color][/u][/b][/h1] [b][color=BB1CFF]Magical Form:[/color][/b] [img]https://i.imgur.com/kNwKEZ7.jpg[/img] [b][color=BB1CFF]Weapon:[/color][/b] A pair of curved black and white [url=https://i.imgur.com/A2iiB0H.png]twin daggers[/url]. [b][color=BB1CFF]Abilities:[/color][/b] Kieran's element is Shadow, which grants him a few different abilities. While in a large enough shadow, he's able to "shroud" himself in darkness, blending into it to become invisible. His main power, though, is the creation and manipulation of constructs; he can pull a smoke-like substance from shadows, which solidifies into shapes of his choosing, including those of animals or wraithlike figures that assist him in battle. While strong in terms of attack power, they can't take much damage before dissipating. The more shadow he has to work with, the more constructs he can create. He also has enhanced night vision while transformed, although he can't see in complete darkness. [h1][b][u][color=BB1CFF]Companion[/color][/u][/b][/h1] [b][color=BB1CFF]Name:[/color][/b] Melanthe, or as she constantly reminds people, Melanthe the Magnificent. Kieran just calls her Mel, to her displeasure. [b][color=BB1CFF]Appearance:[/color][/b] A small fluffy black cat with green eyes and a perpetually grouchy expression. [b][color=BB1CFF]Personality:[/color][/b] Once a prideful and revered sorceress, Melanthe is bitter about the loss of her powers and her human form. She's a grump with little patience for poorly thought out antics, which considering the group, she'll have to deal with a lot. Occasionally she shows she has more affection for her charge and the other heroes than she lets on, but she'll do so in her sassy Mel way.[/hider]