[center][h3][b][color=E948FC]Danny Kingston[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/363556781537886208/813757202661113906/Daniel_5.jpg [/img][hr][b][color=E948FC]Location:[/color][/b] Training Room B [b][color=E948FC]Skills:[/color][/b] N/A[/center] [Color=E948FC]"Yeah, let's do t'at! Gotta get t'is whole flyin' t'in' under control. Takes too much outta me right now."[/color] Danni agreed as Dee made his way into the door he hadn't heard anything behind. He leaned on the door frame as Dee headed over to the bomb and fiddled with it. Danni closed his eyes, resting his head on the door frame as Dee handled the boom boom machine. God knows if Danni got his hands on it, he might accidently explode it! So much fire, so much fun… He was lost in his imagination of what he could do with that much sudden fire when Dee's shouting startled him back into reality and he opened his eyes just in time to watch the boom machine go, well, [i]BOOM[/i]! His scream was lost in the roar of the bomb. Danni pushed off the door frame as Dee flickered out of this plane, Danni very, very jealous in that moment as he scrambled away from the explosions. His legs felt like lead despite how hard his heart was pounding in his chest. [color=E948FC]"Whoever fuckin' said lettin' kids fuck around wit' bombs is a God damned idiot!"[/color] Danni screamed as he tried to dive for the table but the force of the explosions threw him off balance and he fell harder than he wanted, doing everything he could to protect his face. Time traveler or not, Danni would set fire to Poisson-Pas's mustache if his perfect face had a single blemish on it after this. He curled up as best he could as the heat came next, engulfing him in a matter of seconds, and Danni braced himself for the pain. But it never came. It felt like walking out into a warm day after being in a slightly too cold room, a sense of… defrosting, if that made any sense. Damn, this was nice. Maybe Poisson-Pas really did know what he was doing… [color=E948FC] "Ah shit, my ears."[/color] Danni grumbled as he pushed himself to his feet and suddenly found himself spinning in Dee's arms. Danni wasn't certain he knew what was happening but he squeezed back, laughing as he was put back on the ground. Danni followed Dee's gaze as he inspected him, and Danni sucked in a sharp breath. His clothes, if these disgusting [i]rags[/i] could even be called clothes anymore, hanging off him, tattered, torn, and smoldering. Was the air in the room thinning? He felt like he couldn't get enough, his head spinning and his chest hurting, and he felt the tell-tale sting at the corners of his eyes. He tried to speak again and again but only a strange sort of strangled noise came through. He grabbed at Dee, he could see him talking, could hear him talking but the words wouldn't stick. [Color=E948FC] "Dee."[/color] Danni managed to choke out, panic rising quickly as he clung to his best friend like he was the only thing keeping him up. [Color=E948FC] "I didn't brin' a change of clothes. I can't… I can't… T'ey can't see me like t'is! What do I do?! I can't go back like t'is!"[/color]