Yo. I'm gonna go ahead and yoink the Earth slot. [hider=Niles][center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/61/e4/dc/61e4dc2678239b0d64fac9f9717039fe.jpg[/img][/center] [b][color=f66600]Name[/color]:[/b] Niles de Rochefort [b][color=f66600]Age[/color]:[/b] 18 [b][color=f66600]Appearance[/color]:[/b] 5'7" with dark hair, brown eyes, and a smile that doesn't quite reach them. Niles deliberately cultivates an aesthetic of sprezzatura, with carefully styled hair that sticks up in wild yet deliberate arrangements. He never uses hair gel, though almost always uses some type of hair spray. In accordance with his business classes, he's required to dress up in formal attire, and always chooses to do so at the extreme lower end of business formal (no suit, black slacks, black tie) despite business casual being acceptable. Outside of school or on days without business classes, he tends to look like he's between photo shoots for typical men's fashion magazines. When attending high-profile events, he tends to dress in suits with small ornate designs on them, always making a statement albeit never a loud one. [b][color=f66600]Personality[/color]:[/b] Niles is high-strung, self-destructive, and powered almost entirely by red bull and spite. He's calculating, manipulative, and can't help but think that he knows better than most of the people around him. He has a tendency to take on the problems of those he cares about even if he isn't asked to do so, and will prioritize his friends over strangers and especially himself. Niles tends to maintain a nonchalant attitude, and is slow to anger, albeit not annoyance. He's good at keeping his cool under pressure, but in emotionally difficult situations, he tends to get trapped in analysis paralysis, freezing up or resorting to avoidance. He has a deep-rooted need to prove his self-worth, and suffers horrible anxiety over his perceived failures and inadequacies. Claims to hate being touched, which isn't entirely untrue since he's scared of opening up to people, though, in reality, it's the complete opposite, a self-perpetuating problem originating from his abandonment issues. [b][color=f66600]History[/color]:[/b] Niles is the scion of the deRo tech company, a multi-billion dollar enterprise that spans the globe. From a young age, Niles has always been described by his parents as self-sufficient and independent, capable of taking care of himself even from the young age of eight. Niles is no stranger to modern high society, nor the constant networking amidst social vipers within, and he's become fairly good at it over the years, since securing opportunities for his parents are one of the few things he can do to earn their praise and momentary attention. He's been taught to know better than to bother his parents with trivial matters or his 'childish' habits. His parents are very busy people, and if it does not concern their enterprise or particularly meritorious schoolwork, then it is a waste of their time. His parents have always said he was too clingy, and, 'logically' speaking, he agrees that they're right. They really have better things to be doing than waste time sticking around at home. Ms. Mariel, a housemaid hired by his parents, comes by once a week to clean their manor and restock their kitchen. She's quite nice, although they don't talk much, since she tends to grow upset whenever they talk at length. He tries not to bother her too much, since his parents told him that the last housemaid quit because of that a few years back. [b][color=f66600]Magical Form[/color]:[/b] When transformed, Niles' irises begin to exhibit a pair of squares that rotate around his pupils in opposite directions, and a single streak of hair in his bangs changes color to a dirty shade of orange. Niles' outfit changes to a dark brown three-piece suit, including a long coat covered in ornate darker brown geometric patterns, a waistcoat with a gold trim, and trousers with a golden angular pattern going down the sides, but detouring twice to wrap around his lower thigh and upper shin. It resembles yet contrasts with the ornate swirling pattern that appears in gold on his tie, the only patterns on his outfit that don't consist entirely of sharp angles. [b][color=f66600]Weapon[/color]:[/b] Niles is able to create and shape metal into daggers or swords when needed for close combat, though his weapons of choice are his throwing stars, which he can manipulate autonomously for as long as his concentration holds. [b][color=f66600]Abilities[/color]:[/b] Niles has the ability to create and manipulate Earth, including metals and fine particles. Although creation ex nihilo of large masses is not particularly fast, he can still create and shape weaponry on the fly provided he isn't pressured too heavily. By comparison, his manipulation of preexisting Earth is blisteringly fast and devastatingly powerful. Although not quite as fast as a gun, a speeding pebble compelled forward with great force can accomplish much the same against undefended soft tissue. Beyond that, no element is capable of throwing around more sheer mass than his, at least not with the ease he does it. Niles' personal specialization lies in his ability to go underground, sinking through the Earth as if it were water or even air. Once there, he can manipulate the Earth around him to reposition and even launch himself out at his opponents at great speeds. Assuming he can't just let his shuriken do all the work, this is his preferred method of attack, and he can do it all without actually getting dirty, using his powers to keep him and his clothing utterly immaculate. He doesn't even need to let the Earth tousle his hair. [b][color=f66600]Companion's Name[/color]:[/b] Oro, so named because of her unwillingness to divulge her true name and her tendency to grab if not bite on her own tail to stay curled around a limb when Niles is in motion. [b][color=f66600]Appearance[/color]:[/b] Oro is a particularly large blind snake, about a foot long from head to tail and a diameter slightly less than that of an American Dime. Like most blind snakes, she's very round on either end, lacking the head shape or pointed tail of other snakes, though she still has the signature forked tongue used by snakes to test the air. She's mostly a dark grayish color, though the scales on her underbelly are a milky white, and all of her scales shine a bit under light. [b][color=f66600]Companion's Name[/color]:[/b] Oro is cripplingly shy as well as a rather unhelpful guide, owing to her abrupt loss of all limbs as well as almost all of her sight, only able to see changes in light levels. As blind snakes live mostly underground, she finds herself suffering from the mild instinctive photophobia of her race, and has generally taken to wrapping around Niles' arm at all times, under his sleeve. Trapped by the practical considerations of her perpetual disorientation, she lives in constant fear that she'll become lost and end up all alone, unable to find her way back to another intelligent being. She tends to remain silent when people other than Niles are around unless something important comes up, though when it's just her and Niles, she's pretty level-headed and sweet. She occasionally makes offhand mentions of her previous life as a sorceress that imply that she used to be an [i]alarmingly different[/i] person. [hider=Themes][center]Casual [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8E3IgIEfopw[/youtube] Combat [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wVCNOg2heM4[/youtube][/center][/hider] [/hider]