[h1][b][u]Human[/u][/b][/h1] [b]Name:[/b] Deuel Akakios, prefers to be called Deuel Palaiologos. [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=https://imgchest.com/p/agyv2xvb489][img]https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/wye3c2qv3a4.png[/img][/url] [b]Personality:[/b] Deuel has an idealistic, some say naive, belief that love, friendship, and trust will win against whatever crisis they confront, that he and his friends can light up the darkness in their world. However, he is realistic enough to know that changing the world requires money and power, that compassion and altruism sometimes need [i]wealth[/i] to have any strength. And so he tries to make money as well as give it away, believing he has the golden touch and can always make more. When subjected to a test of his fighting skills, whether in a spar or more rarely, a serious fight, Deuel is willing to jump in and 'prove his mettle', though only if he has weapons. He is also an avid hunter who is proficient at hunting rifles and shotguns but keeps his pride in his gun collection to himself, although he frequently shows off his collection of swords and other Medieval Weaponry. As for his ties with his friends, well, he is embarrassed at Connor being touchy-feely but knows himself well enough that he'd miss it if it ended. Kieran and Ciel are people he likes, while Neils... Deuel knows enough to avoid someone as deeply hurt as him lest he hurt the other youth more. Which is a shame, as Niels is someone he likes, a lot, but he is not sure if the latter is even 'compatible'... [b]History:[/b] Deuel's family is from Greece, but moved to America and got rich investing in tech start-ups, clean energy research, dairy making and sugar beets. They also produce honey and beeswax from various beehives. Eventually, they made enough to start their own charitable foundation, and thus Deuel was brought into the world of philanthropy almost from birth. Raised in love as well as some privilege, Deuel liked helping people, learning new things, and eventually, making friends. As he grew older, he realized he liked both boys and girls, but he didn't think much of it, lest he ruin his existing friendships. He did become fast friends with five other young men, with the leader of their friend group being one Connor Waters. But as of late, Deuel thinks he should do something more; not just get into a good University (he wants that) but also ask for a bigger role in his family's charitable enterprises. He does not want to spend his days idly when the world needs his help, when he wants to [i]help people[/i] and make the world a kinder and gentler place. This has also led Deuel to conclude that he can't wait to talk things out with his family after the trip with his friends is done. [h1][b][u]Magic[/u][/b][/h1] [b]Magical Form:[/b] [URL=https://www.zerochan.net/3879235][IMG]https://s3.zerochan.net/Saber.%28Fate.strange.fake%29.240.3879235.jpg[/IMG][/URL] (As in the Picture.) [b]Weapon[/b] Sword and Scabbard. [b]Abilities:[/b] Light is a versatile element, so Deuel makes use of it as best as he can, and by that, taking inspiration from Anime, he uses Light to project energy shields to protect himself and others, blast people with laser beams, and project a healing aura that can knit wounds close and replenish lost blood. He also has some proficiency with creating holographic 'hard-light' constructs, and 'bending' light to make himself invisible, although this is very stressful for him and something he only will only rarely do. And finally, he can see through magical illusions by concentrating the light into his eyes. [h1][b]Companion[/b][/h1] [b]Name:[/b] Basil the Ermine. [b]Appearance:[/b] A white stoat (aka an ermine) who carries a miniature crown, scarlet robe (with a trim made from his own fur) and a small staff. [b]Personality:[/b] Basil was a King and a Sorcerer who ruled over his lands benevolently and encouraged everyone to learn how to read, write, do sums, and learn as much Magic as they can, no matter how small. However, in his pride, he thought he can take on the threat that eventually turned him into an ermine by himself, and so got cursed. And being turned into a small critter only made him more prideful and petty, although he is too 'soft' to actually let it lure him into more than an insubordinate 'leader wannabe' among the other Companions, always insisting that he is the 'best sorcerer' and that Deuel should be the leader...