[center][i]Through the thin veil that seperates this from that, the tiniest of puncture for the shortest of moments, not enough to be noticed but just enough to be used. Into unknown darkness, falling through and endless, starless and soundless pitch, with no up or down, no day or night, a perfect void. Then, after what felt like an eternity but was truly not more than a mere instant, you see it. A light. There, in the distance, flickering faintly like a candle about to be extinguished by the mildest of gusts... Closer it draws, on the verge of vanishing but never quite doing so...  Then, without warning, it is suddenly upon you. Right in your face. You crash into the bright, ever-changing spectrum of swriling colors which overloads your senses like a psychadelic fit!

... Then, there's nothing.

... Followed by the softly intensifying chirping of birds... And... A blue sky.[/i][/center]
[center][h3][b]Some Forest...[/b][/h3][/center]

It is a little prior to noon. The sun has not yet climbed to its zenith in the sky, a sky populated by wispy and lazily sailing clouds of thin white strands. The green, lush grass on the ground is soft and pleasant, with a bit of moisture and the scent of summer on it. The melodic chirping and tweeting of various birds can be heard all around, from the trees and the bushes and the rest of the underbrush too. An idyllic and peaceful moment on a quaint and slow summer day.

... If not for, y'know, [i]these[/i] guys...

There, lying sprawled on their backs in a variety of ways, is a group of humans. From different walks of life, from different parts of the world. All female, and all dressed in ... What [i][b]are[/b][/i] those!? Did a cosplay-convention or club or something fall asleep while out on a camping trip? At the moment, they're all just lying there, their backs on the ground and their eyes closed. But... Sooner or later, one - or all of them - will wake up.

So, let's take stock of what they'll be greeted by when they do.

They're in a little clearing, covered in grass, shrubs and some wildflowers... Unfamiliar flowers at that. There are about two or three larger rocks or stones, a fallen, hollow log and ... That's about it. There are trees though. lots of trees. In every direction. Some of them have oddly green-ish bark though... Not the more common brown color, which most of the other trees seem to sport. Some of the leaves are also strange, having yellow-orange-y fringes or edges... Yup. These sure aren't the kind of trees you'd see back home! At least not all of them. Many look fairly standard and garden variety...

For now though, the group of girls seem to be alone. No other humans or animals seem to be snooping around the glen. Which is probably a good thing, for both social and survival reasons. Except for the songs of birds, the first thing these lovely ladies will see when they wake up... Is each other.