[@Crusader Lord] "U-urgh…" Sayu's eyes fluttered open. [I]Huh, is this a dream? Why am I seeing the blue sky? I'm supposed to be in the classroom. This smell… it's the smell of grass…[/i]  She sat up abruptly, rubbing her hands to the ground. [I] Grass… and dirt… how… why [/i] Her eyes went wide open as she took in her new surroundings. [I] This is… this isn't the classroom! I'm in some forest! This… this has to be a dream, isn't it?! [/I] She stood up. [i]Swish. [/i]The air caressed her upper thighs, making her push her skirt down with a yelp. [i]Wait… my skirt… Why is it so short?[/i] She looked down. And, to her horror, she wasn't wearing her school uniform anymore. She was wearing what could only be described as a cosplay of some sort, of Little Red Riding Hood for that matter. With wolf ears jutting out of her hood. And a skirt that was so short it barely covered her panties when she stood. [i]This… this must be a bad dream! I just to wake up! Wake up! Wake uppppp! [/i]She slapped her face over and over before pinching her cheek and twisting it as hard as she could. It didn't work. She was still stuck here in this ridiculous costume in this ridiculous place. Along with a number of other people she had just noticed was there as well, each in their own ridiculous costumes. [i]This… this must be a kidnapping of some sort![/i] She quickly ran over to the woman with the bunny suit, kneeling down before shaking her body vigorously. "Wake up! Wake up!" she whispered, panic overtaking her completely. The kidnappers didn't seem to be around so this was their chance to escape!