[center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/tCWhF1qr/image.gif[/img][/center] Da'Niyah raised her eyebrows at the panicking red riding hood, but she shakes Aria's hand. "Da'Niyah." She said, then turned to the red riding hood girl. "If we were kidnapped, lets first consider where you were before this and where you are now. Were in a forest clearing, by ourselves with no visible people nearby. Next, how would we not have woken up while our kidnapper changed us, unless they drugged us? If we were drugged, we would feel the side effects of it, and most likely be dangerously drowsy. If we were knocked out or forcefully put to sleep, we would be feeling a throbbing pain or at least have a wound on our body somewhere. As far as I can tell, everyone here isn't suffering from any pain other than discomfort from our outfit. Also, none of us have trouble speaking as far as I'm aware, we all feel the same as before we woke up here no?" She wasn't in much hurry to explain, and nobody seemed to be nearby except them so it could be assumed they were deep in some unknown forest, stranded. That probably should have made her scared or something, but she couldn't help that she felt a whole lot of nothing. Plus, the weather was quite nice here, wherever they were, and that always made your mood better. [b]INTERACTING WITH[/b] [@QIA] [@Hammerman]