[center][h2][color=beige]Kirei[/color],  [color=firebrick]Vară[/color], & [color=lightskyblue]Lavinia[/color][/h2][/center][center][hr][b]Janus' Campsite[/b][hr][/center]


[color=firebrick]"Wife...?"[/color] Vară said halfheartedly. [color=firebrick]"Oh, no I'm not. Besides...why would anyone..."[/color] Vară was barely able to complete her sentences, having still not recovered from the previous operation. 

[color=lightskyblue]"Teehee 'fraid not, love.[/color] Lavinia answered next. [color=lightskyblue]"Monster though I may be, I have come here on behalf of the Witch Association to aid the people of this island. Kirei just so happens to be my commanding officer, not my lover.[/color] She said. [color=lightskyblue]"Although..."[/color] She looked at Kirei, placing a finger on the corner of her mouth, which had twisted into a seductive smile. [color=lightskyblue]"What Nyla says is correct, commander Kirei does earn many points for his skill and handsome build~[/color] 

Lavinia then turned to Vară, who she could sense was filled with negative emotions currently. She walked over to the fire demoness, placing her had on Vară's. [color=firebrick]"Huh?"[/color] Vară said in surprise. 

[color=lightskyblue]"I think it'd be nice if we had a little girl-to-girl talk"[/color] Lavinia said, as she led Vară to a quiet and private corner in the campsite. 

[color=firebrick]"A-About what...?"[/color] Vară went on, still flustered and confused.


Kirei stared at the two as they went off to a deeper place in the camp. He scoffed, it supposed it was fine so long as didn't go off too far on their own. 

[color=beige]"Well, there you have it, Takeshi-dono"[/color] Kirei said with a smile. [color=beige]"All relationships here are strictly plutonic and work-related. For the most part anyway... But, barring that, is there anything else you can tell us about the island's current situation. Are they any other forces that could aid us against the invaders?[/color] 

[hider=Girl Talk]

[color=firebrick]"A-Alright, Lavinia, just tell me what you want already!"[/color] Said a exasperated Vară. 

[color=lightskyblue]"The way you've been acting since we got back to camp. This is about Sidonus, isn't it?[/color] The umbra witch flatly asked. 

Vară became wide-eyed at Lavinia's statement. Her heart sank deep into her chest, and didn't have the spirit to even look the witch in her blind-folded eyes. [color=firebrick]"He's dead. He's dead and it's all my fault...[/color]

[color=lightskyblue]"I'm surprised you can even say a thing like that."[/color] Lavi coldly replied. 

[color=firebrick]"What is that?![/color] Vară snapped, now angered. [color=firebrick]"If I had been so incompetent, I might have been able to save...he might still be alive!"[/color]

[color=lightskyblue]"That man died in the line of duty, which he has been long since prepared for. I imagine he gave you an order to retreat, which you followed and should have as well. He died in order to save a teammate and so that his comrades could live to continue the campaign.[/color] Lavi said with her arms folded. Vară had began to shed some tears, but wasn't able to say anything in retort to Lavi's words. 

[color=lightskyblue]"It is fine to mourn the man, as you should. If you need to honor him, do so by continuing to stay alive and aid us in continuing the fight. If you feel that you are lacking, train and become stronger. But, don't just sulk around and feel sorry for yourself, it cheapens the sacrifice that Sidnous made and it's disrespectful. Besides, it's rather unbecoming of a young heiress. You can come back to the center of the camp with me, or stay here and be alone with your thoughts for a while. I imagine you'll want to do the former.[/color]

With that, Lavinia turned around and went back to camp, and Vară indeed remained behind to consider the witch's words. She held her head down, which obscured her eyes from forward view. But, streaks of tears could be seen flowing down from her face, she gritted her teeth as she clenched her fists. 

[color=firebrick]"Janus."[/color] She said. [color=firebrick]"I promise to get stronger, and next time I'll...I'll be strong enough to be of more use!"[/color]
