The Hraeslag family, it occurred to Lirrah, would make fantastic customers if she could pour on the charm. She was still sour about giving a bunch of acid to that noble brat for free. As if [i]he[/i] needed the money. Lirrah needed a win, but she wasn't exactly keen to go seek out Cadmon again. Right. It wasn't about money for him. Why should it be? He could have paid for that acid and it would affect his bottom line about as much as a drop of water in the desert. So then what? Power, probably. He likely enjoyed Lirrah's anguish, to some extent. She had always wondered how he got along with István so well, so maybe they had some deep-seated sickness in common that they had bonded over. He got a power trip out of abusing tiny merchants, and given their relative statuses, there wasn't much Lirrah could do about it. They were playing very different games, and Cadmon's was [i]much easier[/i]. He probably realized that. Still, she would have to interact with him at some point if she ever wanted to get her money's worth out of their 'friendship'. If she ever wanted her investment to pay off. Lirrah gritted her teeth, but expertly hid the expression her face had wanted to make at that moment. She would have to leverage her good will with Velvetica (whatever was left of it) in order to meet with her parents and get them as far into her pocket as she could. She had to- Ah, it was the mercenary. Lirrah looked up at the man, who was curiously carrying around some obviously damaged clothing. He appeared to be looking for something. What was his name, again? The man wasn't exactly important, and certainly wasn't her top spender. [color=f49ac2]"Are you looking for something, [i]p[/i]oss-man?"[/color] Lirrah asked brightly, grinning up at him. She had heard from a fellow merchant that if she couldn't remember a man's name, she should call him 'boss-man', because men liked to be called that apparently. Weirdly enough, it usually worked. [color=f49ac2]"Perhaps your merchant friend can help! I can get whatever you need~"[/color] Still, a potential customer was a potential customer. Besides, in Lirrah's experience, if a man like him finds a merchant he likes, he'll very likely go back to them for future needs. Doesn't want to put too much thought into anything. What other type of person would be a mercenary, after all?