[center][color=gold][h1]Charlotte[/h1][/color] [i]-Little Clearing, Middle of Some Forest, ???-[/i][/center] It was as if she'd fallen asleep, and frankly the rest was a welcome one. Like the best sleep she'd had in months or something. Felt kinda funny for someone who was dreaming though, was like she was lying down on a soft bed of grass. Smell of wildflowers dancing through her nostrils. A cool breeze going through and made her arms feel lightly chilled by a cool summer breeze, counteracted by the warmth of the sun on her. Ah. It was certianly something of a [b]vivid[/b] dream if noting else, though, because she could swear it felt as if she was actually there! But that'd be entirely silly! Most likely she'd fallen asleep, dreamt she'd heard voices when in the garage workshop while her head was lying down, and then had dad had carried her to bed or something. Was the last sort of thing she remembered at any rate, working in the garage at night, and then suddenly she was out like a light! Surely there was nothing strange about all of this, right? She'd wake up with her alarm going off as usual, get dressed for school like usual, and then- [quote=???]She quickly ran over to the woman with the bunny suit, kneeling down before shaking her body vigorously. "Wake up! Wake up!" she whispered, panic overtaking her completely.[/quote] ...Eh? Didn't recognize the voice, but someone was shaking her pretty hard now. Not even her mom did that sort of thing! Maybe her older sister, sure, but she was off at college. Perhaps she'd returned home early, and was trying to spook her again? Ha. Then again it didn't sound like her older sister either....or, well, any of her younger siblings. Sometimes Julie did want someone to make her pancakes though, so maybe that was the case and Charlotte herself was just too sleepy to tell it was her? [quote=???]"Um, h-hello there?"[/quote] A fainter voice, farther away, which defienitely wasn't anyone she knew. [quote=???]"Oh thank God you're awake! Look, we got to get away from here before the kidnappers return!"[/quote] Kidnappers? What?! [quote=???]"Dressed up in a ridiculous outfit as well?" She calls out[/quote] [quote]"Hey, calm down," Aria says, her voice soothing as she tries to steady Sayu. "Kidnappers? What are you talking about?" "How can you be so calm?!" She scolded her, not out of anger but out of disbelief. "Clearly we've been kidnapped and forced into these stupid clothes! We have to run! Now!" "It's the only explanation that makes sense, no?! I was sleeping in my class before I got here! Unless this is all just a dream, that is… but I tried to wake myself up before and it wasn't working!" [/quote] [quote=Aria and Da'Niyah]"Yeah, it looks like we're all... wearing something weird," Aria responds, her voice tinged with a hint of awkwardness, "I'm Aria, by the way," "Da'Niyah."[/quote] [quote=???]"Don't tell me to stay calm!" she burst out, her voice sharp. "We've been kidnapped and dumped in the middle of nowhere, and you want me to be rational about it?" "I just want to go home," Sayu said after a moment, her voice strained. "But I guess you're right - we should try to figure out what happened first." "Does anyone remember anything before waking up here?" she asked. "Did we know each other before this?"[/quote] Charlotte could hear a flurry of activity near her, a rapid-fire and dizzying amount, and finally deciding something was actually 'up'. Well, or perhaps simply finally submitting to the very fact despite her attempted denial that she was dreaming or something. Whatever the case was in the end, the bunnysuited girl would slowly sit up and cross her legs as her eyes came open and she frankly let out a soft but tired morning yawn. After rubbing her eyes with her rists to try to clear them, she then looked about herself for the first time. [color=gold]"..."[/color] Worst case, maybe just maybe the leftovers she'd eaten for dinner were already bad somehow and gave her a drug-like trip, right? Maybe. Er...no. There were trees and flowers that seemed normal as well as somehow 'abnormal' looking. Birds singings. A nice breeze. Green grass underneath her body (admittedly comfy grass in this case). There were also other people, all female as well. A panicky girl who looked like Little Red Riding Hood became a cute werewolf, a woman who seemed to be wearing what looked like a flower garden had a baby with the wild west, and a girl who at least most recognizably looked like some kind of trademarked magical girl straight out of anime. Then there seemed to be, at the moment for her at least, some woman who definitely wasn't family (but looked almost related to her somehow to her eyes) but was wearing a bikini-armor type garment that her older sister might've dared to wear without batting an eye if she'd ever gotten into cosplay. Anything else just as ridiculous right now-? ...Wait. She hadn't accounted for herself. Charlotte looked down at her body, taking careful note of the attire clinging to her body like it was made for her. Fishnet leggings with a couple of pink ribbons, black suit that didn't quite cover as much as a swimsuit on her upper body, and-, ah! Pink ribbon and a suit-like collar around her neck, and, as she reached a hand up to her head, a pair of floppy bunny ears. All of that, plus a pair of suit-and-tie-type cufflinks on her wrists and two pink bows holding her hair into a pair of twintails farther back on each side of her head. And a black armband of a small sort on each of her uppers arms. And a [u]partridge in a midddle-finger-flipping pear tree[/u], basically. But wait, there's more! Trying to think on what she last remembered, the girl also found something [b]else[/b] in there as well. Abnormal stuff. Like someone had jammed a book or fanfic into her brain or something, it felt like, as she tried to mentally recall moire of it. [i]Auto-Cleaningp[/i]? [i]Novice Artificer[/i]? Oh wait, no, that bit seemed a bit cool, actually....but still. [i]Warding Garb[/i]? [i][b]Crapshoot?![/b][/i] What was all of this crap, and how did it get into her head without her knowing why?! Still, despite the obvious panic and feeling like she was dressed by her older sister as a prank...Charlotte also felt a certain spark of curiosity about it all admittedly. Rather than audibly recognize the immediate issue and calling out to the others or something to draw attention, instead Charlotte deciding to test if she'd been hypnotized or something else strange. Maybe. Either way she already looked like an idiot, so it'd only be par for the course at this rate anyway to test something out from the stuff in her head. Pointing a finger at a nearby normal-ish looking tree, square in the center of it, the bunnygirl tried activing [i]Crapshoot[/i] before- [center][b][i]'Crackle' 'CRASH'[/i][/b][/center] A pair of strange dice appeared in front of her, out of seemingly nothing, befoire they suddenly shot off at the tree like some kind of magic missile! Or at least that was the only point of reference she had for such a thing after many hours of internet browsing and learning obtuse facts about things like D&D and so forth. The dice, from what she saw, seemed to be a light pale blue, like ice, and upon striking the tree seemed to shatter into very faintly glowing ice shrapnel that was embedded into the tree as it shook a little bit from the impact. Frankly the sound of the impact to her sounded like ice but also like hitting something at the same time. So...meaning they'd hit with some little force as well? Nothing that could destroy the big tree or knock it over, but enough to do someting at least. Either way it would maybe draw attention to the fact she was now awake, perhaps, depending on how things went. Whatever the case it felt like a trippy experience, causing the bunnysuited girl to look down at the finger she had cast Crapshoot from curiously. [color=gold]"Either those leftovers were way too out of date, or I just got sent to wonderland on a bizarre adventure and became the rabbit."[/color] It was a simple exclamation, but with a tone that didn't seem entirely quite sure of how she should feel. Panicked? Angry? Sad? Depressed? Excited? Embarassed? Like she needed to go save a pair of hobbits from Isengard and then save a princess from another castle or something? Charlotte's mind was still, as it were, trying to fathom things well enough. But if there was one thing that was sure, it was that she wasn't home anymore and there definitely wasn't a VR headset glued to her face. [@Hammerman][@Qia][@PiNKPANTHERESS]