[color=lightblue]"Flatterer, I don't get paid enough to be anyone's boss, merchant."[/color] Urden had come across the diminutive merchant tagalong, Lirrah, first. Worked for him, since he suspected that whatever sewing was needed would take awhile. Still, his tone was pleasant enough, clearly no offense taken and more a matter of poking at being called a boss of anyone or anything. Still, now that one of the people was found, he could at least stop carrying around ruined clothing like some sort of lost child. Unfolding the damaged trousers, he would demonstrate the hole that the arrow had left both entering, and being removed after healing was available, while speaking on the events like someone might talk about what was needed from a trip to the market. [color=lightblue]"Someone, well two someones, and you sure are one of them. Took an arrow in the leg thanks to those Morahti, and while it healed decently enough, sadly magic doesn't mend significant holes in clothing. Bit too much for my rather crude stitch work, so I figured I would see if our resident merchant might just happen to have a service available for mending said damage? Already took the liberty of cleaning the blood and grime out, so that shouldn't be a concern."[/color] The mercenary also had suitable payment along with him as well, as loath as he was to part way with hard earned coin over something as simple as mending clothing. Better that than buying new clothing completely, of course, assuming the Nem merchant didn't try and gouge him over the request of course. He also could have probably asked around and found someone in the Boss's employ that could have done it too, now that he thought about it, but he was already committed at this point. Still, the mention of looking for people gave him at least enough of a thought to ask if Lirrah had seen the resident daemon summoning healer. [color=lightblue]"Seen that ever so helpful hundi healer lurking around? Got some matters to discuss with her as well."[/color]