[h3]Cecilia Feilding[/h3] [hr] Cecilia was no stranger to waking up on a pleasant bed of grass surrounded by trees. Not to say that she was familiar with being isekai’d to random fields on fantasy words –no matter the similarity to her surname—but it was not the first time she’d fallen asleep on the Balliol quad with a book in hand, and the silver-haired master’s student had little reason to find waking up against some dewy grass and an open sky being overly unusual. What was unusual, though, was the fact that others on the lawn were making such a racket. Even at Oxford, there were troublemakers and rabblerousers, but frenzied screeching was a little beyond the pale. As she fully blinked open her eyes, she found that her body was feeling a little breezier than normal. Her limbs were somewhat heavier too… What? That prompted her to look down, and that prompted her own screeching. “What in the nine hells is this!?” What she’d found, after all, was not the sweater and skirt she had been wearing, but a very skimpy white bikini. There was honest to goodness plate armor adorning her arms and legs, but that wasn’t the big deal right now—someone had stripped her and put her in this… revealing… thing! And in public! Trying to cover herself up, she searched around for her towel to wrap around herself—and that was when she saw the other girls. The other girls that had also been making a noise about their situation. The other girls in strange, costumes and cosplay… And shooting strange magic at random trees that were certainly not in the university city that she was intimately experienced with. “What.” Cecilia bluescreened.