[center][color=#ff8c00][h2]Cadmon Demet[/h2][/color][/center] [hr][@Crimson Paladin] [hr] The griffin exited her carrier as soon as the door was open for her; as proud a creature as she was, though, she gave off nothing more to show her displeasure than some irate clicks of her beak before preening her feathers and taking a quick glance around the new room she found herself in. In a moment more she quickly leaped into the air, landing on Cadmon's shoulders, whereupon she immediately took to trying to tame his unruly red hair. All the while studiously avoiding acknowledging Roger's presence whatsoever. [color=#ff8c00]"I would rather he wasn't,"[/color] Cadmon replied to the griffin knight's question, appearing utterly unperturbed by Sirona's struggling with his hair. [color=#ff8c00]"Evidently he and his wife must get very [i]bored[/i] managing their manor, given by how he keeps finding children of his to try and betrothe to me. This is the third daughter he's tried it with, and he even tried one of his [i]sons[/i] before this."[/color] He read along a bit further, shaking his head as he did. [color=#ff8c00]"The dowry is abysmal, as always. He knows what my position entails, and yet he's got no intention to make sure she's able to support herself at the level she's [i]used[/i] to living at if I should meet some untimely demise. The dower I'd have to put up to ensure her is far beyond what should ever be expected. [i]And[/i] that's on top of everything he's hoping to gain through this match. I can't help but think he doesn't value or respect either myself or any of his children other than his heir."[/color]