

Sayuri's eyes lifted upwards as if to look at the small frog perched on her head. She was currently lazily sat down with her legs crossed and back slightly arched forward as she held her head up with both of her palms, elbows resting on her knees... Sayuri herself sat atop yet another very large frog. This one had what could only be described as a [i]limb[/i] of some unlucky Miseria sticking out of it's mouth, both of it's eyes fixed forward and looking at nothing in particular, and then...


Another bellowing cry came out from both of her companions at the same time which led her to let out a large sigh, defeated. [color=fff79a]"Alright, alright! You're right - enough rest!"[/color] The girl immediately stepped up, putting her floppy sun hat onto her head, muffling a surprised croak from the passenger previously sat there. Sayuri dusted off her blue-ish dress and large, white sleeves before stretching. A lot of magical girls transformed outfits were flashy and intricate, yet for all of her regular self's colorfulness and outgoing attitude her outfit was remarkably... [i]plain[/i]. Perhaps then this form took on the more "traditionalist" appearance of her lifestyle's duality. Or perhaps Kaeru was the new original, and Sayuri the alter-ego? 

Why bother with such questions when Miseria was on the loose and people needed saving. [color=fff79a]"Let's go!"[/color] the girl proclaimed with one hand pointing a finger towards their destination while the other held on to her hat. The frog beneath her started moving and, before long, launched itself forward with surprising power from it's hind legs. Good thing that the more mundane could not witness most of the [i]Maho Shojo[/i]'s feats, otherwise half the still awake city might have seen a girl knelt on some giant amphibian just leaping across the night sky.

Further in the city, perhaps down the road from one very unfortunate accident, a fellow girl just like Sayuri would find herself stripped of her prey when she would hear a loud [i][color=fff79a]"Ooiii!"[/color][/i] dropped in warning of an imminent landing. It would be followed by a rather large frog landing on it's stomach, it's four limbs outstretched, straight on top of a Miseria that had been facing off with Nonsuch. Off from it's back jumped Kaeru, landing on the other side of her fellow magical girl after a flip right as her summoned companion raised back on it's feet. Sayuri gave her presumed companion a warm, wide smile. 

[color=fff79a]"Nonsuch! My favourite girl with a no-such-thing-as-a-too-large-hammer approach to magic!"[/color] She said, fighting strongly - and visibly - against the urge of going in for a tight hug. The both of them had probably, at the very least, met one or more times during their different hunts, teaming up once or twice when it was necessary. Unlike their dark counterparts that worked in teams, those still not fallen preferred to do [i]actual[/i] work and group up only if necessary...

...Or when they stumbled upon one another, apparently! 

[color=fff79a]"Soooo... busy night? They seem to be spilling from every nook and cranny tonight, don't they?"[/color]