I sat up in shock, pulling the sheets up around my breasts as my eyes widened in shock. Had Kian just incinerated a man? The room stank of burning flesh and fingernails. I could hear distant shouts and cries and what I thought might be the clash of arms. My eyes widened as my sleep addled mind ran through a number of unpleasant scenarios. Before I could respond a man in a leather jerkin appeared in the doorway. He hefted a crossbow in both hands, lifting it to aim at me and, less importantly, Kian. I rolled sideways knocking Kian off the bed as a crossbow bolt whistled overhead and buried itself into the headboard with a crack of splitting timber. I landed on top of Kian and rolled off, scooping up the sword of the fallen assailant. The crossbowman saw me and abandoned his effort to reload his clumsy weapon. I lunged across the room, completely naked, and thrust the bloody point of the weapon into the crossbowman's chest. He screamed and reeled back, the leather vest absorbing all but an inch of steel. Gritting his teeth, the assassin slashed at me with a heavy knife. I skipped back out of range and kicked the hilt hard, driving the weapon deep into his body. Bloody fountained from his mouth as he staggered back clutching the sword feebly before toppling to the ground. "Something has people in a tizzy this fine morning," I answered, though I privately doubted it was anything to do with Kian. I stuck my head out into the hallway and saw two men in mercenary leather kicking at the door of ambassador's room. The wood was already begining to splinter. I ducked back into the room, my eyes wide. Whatever was going on here it wasn't a private affair, something was seriously wrong. I ducked back into the room and grabbed the sword, tugging at it with all my strength. It was stuck fast in the suction of his chest and I had to give it up as a bad bargin. I could hear feet pounding up the steps. "We probably have about a minute before they break down your ambassador's door, and maybe about as long before they come in here and try to kill us," I reported, my voice surprisingly steady. "I hope your Sigmar is fond of you," I added.