[center][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1086556561842905111/1145920291776774194/87803b6609847fd8d623da6b312cd7e5.png[/img][/center] Most of the day had already been spent with his nose behind his DS, the quiet clicks from him fervently pressing the buttons were the only things on his mind as he kept himself occupied on the journey to the beach where he now found himself squinting at the darkening screen under the glare of the sunset - ignore enough problems and some of them were bound to go away, right? The thought of everyone going their separate ways and Ciel being left alone made his stomach turn in ways he didn't want to think about. Arguably, distancing himself from the other five was counterintuitive in making the most of his time with them, but as many were well aware of, emotional intelligence was never Ciel's strong suit, so when Conner piped up about getting their campsite started, Ciel leapt at the opportunity to keep any bubbling emotions in check in private. [color=F6A3BF]"I can find some sticks or whatever along the beach for the campfire - see ya later and good luck on the tents!"[/color] he called out behind him with a wave, back already to the group as he made his way down the length of the shore in lazy strides. If he was going to keep up his high energy persona in front of everyone else for the next few days, he might as well give himself time to mope about the circumstances of doing so as a treat for backing out of the trip. Was it a dick move to leave everyone to do the heavy lifting? Yes. But in his defense, between Deuel and Conner's bright dispositions and the sheer amount of energy drinks Niles brought, they'd be done in no time. - The accursed combination of knee-high socks and sandals scuffed the sand as Ciel tread past several pieces of potential tinder. The few sticks he did have imprinting the bark patterns into his palms were from the first few minutes of his walk when he assumed he was still in view of his friends. Of course, he didn't plan to stay away from them for too long; not because he'd actually be remorseful about not spending time with them, very clearly and very obviously as he'd have anyone know, but only because being legally blind at night in the middle of beach didn't seem too appealing and for absolutely no other reason. The simplicity of kicking the occasional shell or stone he encountered seemed to ease his mind, at least, enough for him to decide he was far enough from the brink of a shaky voice to head back. The now dim landscape still offered enough light to navigate back to the campsite, however, the figure striding in his direction was simply a silhouette Ciel couldn't make out. Perhaps someone else was sent to collect firewood with the assumption that he was dead and unable to bring back any. Or maybe they were simply taking a stroll. Whatever the case was, Ciel figured it would be better to go around them to prevent any awkward interactions that would be imposed upon him otherwise.