
[b][i]Deuel Akakios[/i][/b]

Deuel was in beach clothes, which to him meant a speedo, sandals, a straw hat, and sunglasses, the latter two of which were now unnecessary due to it being sunset. So that meant that he'd stash the two close to his bedroll (he brought a spare tent for emergencies, too), then walk towards Niles, raise his hand, and say, "Wait, I'll come with you." 

The night was warm and he had plenty of sunscreen and insecticidal lotion, meaning that he could afford to stay in his chosen 'attire' for several hours more, especially if there was a bonfire. Either way, he'd walk with Niles for a bit and pick up driftwood, looking at him from time to time, hoping that he could broach the subject of what he wanted, knowing [i]exactly[/i] what was at stake, what he should fear if he failed - The implosion of their friendship and the end of their ties.

He had once scorned romantic protagonists for not being able to confess their love right away. But now he saw where they were coming from, how one wrong step could destroy a life-long friendship. But he can't afford to lose Niles, they were friends, and Deuel was the only one rich enough to afford to go where he's going. So as they collected firewood, Deuel swallowed his nervous spit, cleared his throat, and said, "I'm coming with you. Not just here, but where you're going. I want to take a bigger role in my family's charities, but I want to be with you too."

Deuel let the subtext sink in. "I can afford to follow you, and I'd be a fool not to. Don't get me wrong, I like Conner and Ciel and the others as well, but I love you -"

[i]Crap, I just blurted it out,[/i] were Deuel's surprised thoughts.

Not that he would back down, now that he'd said it. So he followed up with, "I gave this some thought, pondered it over days and weeks and months. But what I feel for you, this yearning, this warmth and fire, it's love."

[i]What is love, though? Is it finding solace in another person, be they a man or a woman? Is it wanting to be together with them forever, no matter what? Is it the willingness to take risks to achieve those ends? All I know is, I want what's best for him as much as I want what's best for myself. Does he want what's best for me as well?[/i]

He fought his fear. His fear that Niles might not even be capable of liking him [i]that way[/i]. He fought the urge to just walk off or more embarrassingly, run off. 

Deuel somehow found the strength to continue on, "But if you think you're not ready or if you don't want it, just forget what I said. If what I said burns what we have now, just forget about it."

The young man forced himself to wait, surprised at how afraid he was but schooled his responses anyway. Then he said, almost whispering, "I don't want to lose you, or anyone, but I don't want to lose [i]you[/i]."
