[h2][color=af9d80][b]Roger Falkner[/b][/color][/h2] Cadmon's talk of dowries and marriage deals reminded Roger just how foreign the aristocratic politicking was to him. He understood the concepts well enough- in this case, this Baron Bridger was trying to obtain Cadmon as a son-in-law. The mention of a meager dowry, and the multiple offers, indicated to Roger that this baron viewed marrying off his children as nothing more than a transaction. It wasn't the same way with the Falkners or their beasts. Between their commoner status up until a few years ago, and the importance of not alienating potential clients, they had always managed to avoid getting entangled in political marriages and the political intrigue of the nobility. In fact, his parents' marriage was initially opposed by his mother's family, right up until his father proved himself in the eyes of his beloved's father. The Falkners' griffins themselves were the same way- they chose their own mates, mated for life, and trying to sway them away from their choice of mate was a dangerous exercise in futility. Would this be the future of the Falkners, to be married off for alliances? [color=af9d80]"And what does he want out of you, that he'd make such an offer so many times with so many of his children?"[/color] he stated. [color=af9d80]"I'm guessing it's a lot more than you'd be getting out of him."[/color] [@The Otter]