[@PaulHaynek] [@AzureKnight] [@Rezod92] [@Crowvette] [@Nakushita] 

[color=ed145b][b]Skarsneek of the Red Hill[/b][/color]

[color=ed145b]“Yea, thanks for the save.”[/color] Skarsneek thanked Takeshi before slapping Hinami in the back. [color=ed145b]“You too, really bailed me out.”[/color]

Honestly, he didn’t do much compared to the rest.

[color=ed145b]“But from the looks of it, where’s the initial prisoners? If they had joined in the attack, we would’ve been screwed.”[/color] Skarsneek said, wondering as he looked around. Maybe they split?

Then again, makes sense, information was far more important.

[color=ed145b]“We’ll need to move the villagers. They know our position, and can keep the pressure on us now.”[/color] Skarsneek suggested to Takeshi, he didn’t like their odds of holding this village on their lonesome and not without some aggressive raiding.

[i]But it’ll just delay the impossible.[/i]

[color=ed145b]“There’s the fishing village we cleared, but that’s a temporary one. You don’t happen to know another hiding place? Like some hidden cave, harbor or mountains?”[/color]


[color=f7941d][b]Gringor of the Ironhide Tribe[/b][/color]

Being shoved away by another Varjan Elite had his smile widened, finally another fun one.

However, when the bee came and ordered him to take out the big rock thing, he gave a quick glance before focusing back on the Varjan.

He’ll have his fun later, winning the big fight is far more important.

So with that in mind, he lifted his axe and aimed for a wide swing towards the Varjan. An obvious and telegraph move with nothing but strength behind.

An obvious one that can be intercepted by another shield bash.

That’s when Gringor send both of his legs upwards, using it as a springboard and kicking off it hard enough to leave them splitting apart from one another.

Right into the big rock where the bee asked him to take down.

He turned and twisted once for extra power.

As to whether forged and long-used Demonic Silver metal hold, Gringor left it to fate as he put [i][b]everything[/b][/i] into it with both arms.