Location Havershel Estate [hr] [@Click This][@AzureKnight] A shot rang out, the bullet impacting the chain that held up the chandelier. The chandelier fell, the Lord not taking his eyes off the maid that he was still holding by the hem of her dress collar - but the chandelier would never hit the ground. As the lightning decoration fell, it would seem to be sliced near instantly into many small parts, harmlessly then bouncing off of Lord Havershel and the maids as the pieces would scatter to the ground. The only saving grace, perhaps, was that the minor surprise had caused the lord to loosen his grip on the maid allowing Lucrecia to pull her away. The only noticeable movement Lord Havershel made, was his free hand moving deftly to the blade that hung from his side. “If you know what’s good for you, dog of the maison, you’ll release that thing before it bites the hand that fed it again.” His voice was even, but cool and sharply confident. “U-uh…I-idol?” the maid weakly asked. “Don’t bother asking it for information.” Havershel rebuffed. “And I have no intention of asking you to get out of my way and return that thing to me. Now move aside or you’ll be in just as many pieces as this chandelier.” [hr] [@VitaVitaAR][@Pyromania99] It happened rather quickly, the possessed lady of the house expression shifting to annoyance as Eliz made her move. The floor under the demons feet cracked, breaking tiles and the ground beneath her. The woman, was completely unfazed it seemed and irritation seemingly turned to amusement as Eliz rushed towards her- Only to be intercepted by the timid maid at her side. The maid let out a throaty, wet hiss as her neck stretched impossibly far, her features elongating the mouth taking a more lizard-like shape much like the demons back in the hallway as her skin became slightly more transparent and wet. The salamander like demon-maid gurgled and made a move towards Eliz, using its maw in an attempt to chomp down on her head. “You care about this boy, heh. How cute.” The possessed woman said, pulling the lad close and giving him a kiss on the forehead. “You don’t even know what he is do you? Can’t blame you, even the kid doesn’t. That idiot Havershel has become far too human in his time here. Don’t worry, I don’t plan on keeping him as a hostage.” She moved fast, grabbing the kid by the head. “Mom what’s going-ack-” Faster than expected, her body twirling and slamming the boy head first into the wall enough to crack and splinter the well kept wall. “Tch-!” Lyssa moved first, sprinting across the floor and around the demon occupying Eliz, and proceeded to slam her own head right into the possessed woman's chin, earning a grunt of pain from the woman as blood would pour from her nose. “Grrr, you irreverent brat!” A mote of fire bloomed in the womans hand, crimson fire dancing in her palm before it erupted upwards, slamming into the ceiling, charring it. Lyssa barely managed to stumble backwards, tripping over her own feet and falling to the ground from the unexpected action. When the fires died down, the woman however, was gone, disappearing down the hallway. The Havershel boys' clothes had been torn in the altercation, and part of the fires had charred his clothes around his ankle. Revealing a blood-red tattoo that looked like two drops of blood connected at either end with a horizontal line going through the middle. "Waaa, I was almost burned cotton candy." Lyssa grumbled.