[center] [color=#66CDAA][b][h1]Kayliss Lambert[/h1][/b][/color] [/center] At least the little lordling's pet brute understood the point. Unfortunately, he was quite a bit sharper than expected. Kayliss's respect for and wariness around Istvan went up several notches as he started drawing closer to a truth she certainly didn't want or need anyone to know. This line of questioning was going far too close to the truth of the Crownsblades' status. Of the entire outfit, only Lady Velvetica knew, and even that had been too much information revealed for Kayliss's liking. [color=#66CDAA][b]"It's more convenient for everyone involved that the Lady has specialist assistance close at hand."[/b][/color] Kayliss finally deigned to give a bland response to Istvan's prodding. Simply dropping the matter would only invite even more suspicion. [color=#66CDAA][b]"Consider my official status to be...on loan, as it were."[/b][/color] This wasn't even untrue. If the opportunity arose, Kayliss would return to the Crownsblades in a heartbeat, if there was any semblance of an organization left. Scattered survivors, certainly. But not enough and with none versed enough in leadership positions for any true centralization. [color=#66CDAA][b]"The Lady is fully aware of my status and consented to my positioning in her ranks. Rest assured that I'm here largely for the mission statement and not for internal politics."[/b][/color] [@HereComesTheSnow]