Lirrah might have frowned at Urden's retort if her face wasn't semi-permanently affixed in a cutesy, honey-sweet euphoria. Smartasses, every last one of them. Lirrah smiled wider. [color=f49ac2]"Ehehe, well, I can help with that. Just mending? You know, I recently got in some quality clothing,"[/color] Lirrah threw out casually as she examined the tear, [color=f49ac2]"very practical. Many pockets. Resilient fa[i]p[/i]ric. You would like them! [i]P[/i]ut this, this I can do with ease. Very quick hands. It should not take me too long."[/color] Lirrah offered Urden (whose name she still could not recall) a reassuring smile, and quoted him the relatively fair price of 1200 Librans. She'd want him to come back as a regular, which he wouldn't do if she tried to cheat him on his first transaction. Maybe he'd buy some new damn pants. [color=f49ac2]"As for Gisela... I would guess reading at the li[i]p[/i]rary or napping in a side room,"[/color] Lirrah suggested, not knowing much about the Hundi herself except that mages tended towards books and sleep. How nice for them. [color=f49ac2]"Can I help you in any other way, dear friend?"[/color] Lirrah tucked the garments under her arm and bombarded the mercenary with her cutesiest head-tilt.