[center][color=#ff8c00][h2]Cadmon Demet[/h2][/color][/center] [hr][@Crimson Paladin] [hr] [color=#ff8c00]"Favourable trading rights through my border, financial access, all in the name of [i]strengthening our bond,"[/i][/color] Cadmon replied with unhidden disdain. [color=#ff8c00]"And, of course, I would be honour bound to commit myself in defense of him if he should need it, and with me at his back, I'm sure he'd be quite a bit bolder with his many ambitions. At worst I fear I'd either have to turn traitor to the crown or be known as a betrayer of family. Out of all parties involved, the only one who wins anything is Baron Bridger himself."[/color] He flipped the page over, looking at the sketch left along the back of it. Professional, and Baron Bridger wasn't one known to waste his money on overly idealized portraits. [color=#ff8c00]"A shame, she [i]is[/i] pretty. Might be I could accept, rescue the poor girl from a father that doesn't truly care about her, and then forestall any disaster by rebuffing him as soon as all the ceremonial tripe was done with. Leave him to wallow in his well-deserved humiliation. She might even appreciate it, at first...but that's not really a good foundation for a successful, long-lasting relationship. Are you done?"[/color] The sudden question was clearly directed at the chimeric creature still fighting with his hair, though for once Cadmon's expression seemed at least somewhat amused. The scolded griffin squawked back at him, before continuing its valiant struggle. He rolled his eyes in return, looking back down to Roger. [color=#ff8c00]"You know, a lot of us envy lower knights like you. You have freedoms that many of us—those who don't just foresake their duties, anyways—don't have."[/color]