
[color=tomato]"An apple a day keeps the Suki away!”[/color] 

[color=888888]— Suki Oyama[/color][/center]

It was always interesting for Suki to see how people reacted to her magic. The most common of such emotions was embarrassment. The sudden flush of passion wasn’t something most were used to, and they would hide it by averting their eyes. But Rei seemed to be embracing it. But was this something she was going to want more of?

It wasn’t clear. 

The next words out of Rei’s mouth were a suggestion that Suki should feed on miseria, and that Suki's close proximity to her might set off Willow. But what Suki found interesting was that she didn’t tell Suki to stop outright, only to wait until later. She may have a shot at Rei.

Though her impulses kicked in before she could think.

But things turned out fine. Willow also didn’t seem to mind Suki’s touch, and also had some adorable expressions to boot. For just a moment, she had to wonder if Willow and Rei would be okay with a paligamous relationship. But her thoughts were derailed when Willow [i]fed her an apple[/i], followed by a warning, and then she teleported out of her arms. Suki grabbed the apple in her mouth and took a bite out of it.

[color=tomato]"Eyy, I [i]do[/i] taste great!”[/color] 

But there was little time to finish eating. A pink arrow streaked across the sky and slammed into where Rei's former squatting place. It startled Suki enough to make her drop her apple. Had She not moved away from Rei earlier, the arrow might have hit her instead. Suki stared, wide eyed, as the pink flames crept all over the lamp post. 

[color=tomato]"Whoa!”[/color] She exclaimed. [color=tomato]"I wonder how that would feel running over my skin.”[/color]

It didn’t take Rei long to put a bounty on the newly arrived light girl. That bounty being getting to eat what you want with everyone else. A neat little reward for something Suki already wanted to do. Club members were great and everything, but there was something about the light girls that tickled Suki’s fancy. You just couldn’t deny that it was [i]insanely hot[/i] when the bad guys and good guys started making out with each other. It didn’t matter what franchise you wanted to talk about, the bad x good ships were always the hottest. 

However, Suki wouldn’t have long to daydream about her fated encounter with the new light girl. Rei was quick to add that the person who slew the least amount of miseria would be paying for the dinner arrangement.


Suki’s eyes went blank.  Earlier, Rei told Willow that nobody present was a light magical girl without a home, but that was only half right for Suki. Paying for everyone’s night on the town might as well have been a death sentence. Playing around with a new light girl sounded fun, but survival came first.

It didn’t take Himea long to admonish Suki’s behavior, and urged her to start killing some monsters already. It was just enough to snap her out of her thoughts. She blinked her eyes and turned to the chess girl with a smile. [color=tomato]"But I always give you a head start! Otherwise I’d end up overeating again.”[/color] She looked at the “new blood” before speaking again. [color=tomato]”I guess I can’t let the new cutie show the rest of us up.”[/color] It wasn’t long ago when Suki was the new blood slaying miseria like crazy. Regardless, it seemed like she was due to a return to form. Suki looked up at the roof where the light magical girl should have been. It was just [i]one[/i] girl. They’d have her in the bag before Suki even scaled up to the roof.

The bottoms of Suki’s feet grew bloody blades. They weren’t too different from a pair of ice skates. The tendrils that held her to the lamp post released and formed a pseudo ramp beneath her. She lined up her feet with the ribbons of blood and disappeared in the blink of an eye. She was unleashing her inner Shadow the hedgehog.


Elsewhere, a side street was teaming with miseria. They dragged their tar-like bodies around looking for their next victim. One tipped over a garbage can while another peered through a window into someone’s home. Then the sound of skates scraping against pavement made them turn their heads. A flash of crimson, a few kicks, a few swipes, and the target rich environment was empty. Suki left one side street just to dive into another. Remnants of her previous victims still clung to her claws when she started swinging again. A few kicks, a few swipes, and the alleyway was empty. 

The miseria could sense their own falling, and crept out into the street. They gurgled and bubbled at their foe, who’d be upon them before long. This time they wouldn’t be ambushed. They generated tentacles, arms, and other appendages to fling at the red and white blur that was coming for them. An army of shapeless tar monsters against Suki’s shapeless blood. 

Suki dove over a pair of black tendrils while her own coiled around her aggressors. She hadn’t finished crushing them out of existence before using her claws to rend the next one. A giant fist with tentacles for fingers grasped for Suki, and she yelped. The blood witch jumped onto the side of a building and slid just out of reach. At the peak of her slide, she jumped off the wall and dropped her heel on the massive arm. The miseria was split top to bottom, and its remains were absorbed into Suki’s blood. 

Baseline miseria weren’t enough to get the best of Suki. The only reason why she wore a frantic expression was because of her kill count. She hadn’t been keeping great count, but she felt like she had killed at least twenty, maybe thirty if her counting was bad. But how much had everyone else killed? She knew a lot of the other delinquents were not specialized fighters. But if they worked as a team- Oh [i]crap[/i], did Tsubomi have enough kills? The delinquents might have been known for their selfishness, but Suki didn’t want to hang her own partner out to dry. Damn! She had gotten too nervous about having to pay for all that food. 

The last mob of miseria on this street had all huddled together. There were quite a few of them, and they were all flailing their limbs in an attempt to defend against their magical girl aggressor. A confident smile appeared on Suki’s face. She’d sweep up these guys before returning to her bestie. Blood red tendrils shot out of Suki’s palms as she raced towards her target. An (admittedly squeaky) warcry slowly rose out of her chest as she built up more and more speed. She spun like a lawnmower blade. Then her ears started to pulse.

A sapphire beam of light passed in front of her.

One of Nyxia’s crazy death beams bent like a curly straw and slammed into the remaining miseria. Their bodies sizzled and popped one after the other. Suki could only watch, unless she wanted to risk joining them. When the beam faded away, there wasn’t anything left of the miseria.

[color=tomato]"Heh!”[/color] Suki’s shoulders were shaking. [color=tomato]"I guess ya can’t give the new kids a head start anymore!”[/color] 

Suki was about to head off to kill some more miseria, but she decided she should at least check in on her partner. Magical girl or not, every girl packs their cell phone with them. Though Suki had one specifically for her magical girl persona and one for her true self. Suki didn’t like texting while out and about. It was too distracting. Yet she didn’t picture Tsubomi to stop what she was doing to answer her phone mid-combat either.  so she decided to send “Acid Drop” a short voice message. 

[color=tomato]"Hello, Rainbow! Sorry I missed you, just let me know where we can meet up and we can slay some miseria together. Who ended up nabbing the new light cutie?”[/color]