[@Click This], [@Crusader Lord], [@Hammerman], [@PINKPANTHERESS], [@Qia] [hr] [center][h3][b]Some Forest...[/b][/h3][/center] When faced with the questionably divine message from 'God', the reactions among the group was varied. Some responded with anger, outrage, denial and defiance. Others became anxious, some were confused and others still tried to apply rational logic and methodical thinking to their situation. Of course, regardless of what the girls did, whether they tried to yell at the self-proclaimed deity or lose themselves in their own musings, there was no further response or commentary from their supposed celestial kidnapper. Instead, after [b][u]Charlotte[/u][/b] and [b[u]]Sayu[/u][/b] had made mention of something approaching, the group became momentarily distracted and pulled from their self-serving internal monologues and thoughts. While the two who had claimed to hear something took the time to run in the opposite direction of the approaching sounds and hide behind a tree, [b][u]Aria[/u][/b], [b][u]Cecilia[/u][/b] and [b][u]Da'Niyah[/u][/b] prefered to stay where they were and respond with either disbelief or nonchalance. Well, the latter-most did figure out how to use her costume to summon forth her... [i]Weapon(?)[/i]... But otherwise remained where she'd been, along with the other two. And then, it did cometh. At this range, all of the girls were able to hear it. [i]The noise[/i]. Rustling and thudding, it had gotten close enough that there weas no longer time to take any sort of action in preperation for whatever was arriving. The chirping and tweeting birds didn't seem at all bothered though, and perhaps it was thanks to their incessant, indifferent singing that the sound had been masked up until the point where it was moments away from the gruop. Perhaps birds of this supposed new world weren't bothered by noises or commotion caused by other critters? Whatever the case may be, the bottom-line was that three out of the five girls were just standing there, in the clearing, and had no time to do anything else but watch as the source of ruckus emerged into their glen! ... And what they saw was... ... ... ... Rats. Yup. Those were rats. Bipedal rats. Covered from top to bottom in fur. Complete with one of those hairless tails on each of them. Two of them even wore ragged, torn and shabby-looking... Shirts? Capes? It was kind of hard to tell what type of garments they might have been at one point, given their torn-up and rather disintergrated state. Still. There were now three ratmen in the clearing, having just ran in through one of the shurbs next to the clearing's edge. And as they spotted the three human women that were quickly coming closer to their running selves... They skid to a halt. Then stared. Apparently confused or stunned, not having expected to run into anyone else. The two who wore [i]clothes[/i] were about 4 ft (120 cm) tall, they had brtown fur except for on their chins and bellies, where the fur was a more tan color. The one not wearing any garments was bigger, standing at about 4'3" (130 cm) and was covered in dark, black fur. The two in garb were also clutching... Twigs? Branches? No, those were more like... Clubs... The bigger black one held a ... Spear... Or.. Well, a makeshift one. Made out of a wooden pole with a crudely sharpened stone, fastened with soem cord of some kind. The trio of ratty strangers stared at the ladies, their tiny eyes darting between each of the three immediately visible she-humans. They thjen looked at each other, then two smaller ones looked at the big one and ... Squeaked. Not a typical, high-pitched ratty squeak though. It sounded more like a squeak taht had been run though an audio program to give it some gutteral base. The big, black-furred ratman narrowed ... His? Her? Its eyes, and glared at the foreign females from another world. Then it bared its teeth, and let out a snarling yip-like noise. Then thrusted its spear, tip-first, forward. In response, the other two yipped in unison and then all three charged forward. In a most threatening manner, as they all were now raising their weapons in poise to strike. One of the brown-furred mongrels, wearing what had once been a blue shirt or whatever, was running straight for [b][u]Cecilia[/u][/b], hissing and gnashing its teeth as it waved its crude wooden blunt object of pain menacingly. The other one, wearing a once red garment, was rushing towards [b][b][u]Aria[/u][/b][/b] in a very similar fashion. The third, largest one, with the most dangerous-looking weapon out of the lot, was now bee-linong straight for [b][u]Da'Niyah[/u][/b], a low growl constatnly rumbling form its throat. As one would expect of rats though, these guys were very quick. And while they didn't look particularly physically imposing or strong, one had to remember a very important fact: These were frickin' bipdeal rat-men! Wielding stone age weaponry! And they were hostile and coming! [i][b]FOR YOU![/b][/i] Luckily, it didn't seem that they had managed to notice either [b][u]Sayu[/u][/b] or [u][b]Charlotte[/b][/u] just yet. OIr maybe they had, but were just more inclined to deal with the three girls in their immediate proximity first. The girls would likely only be able to perform a single split-second decision before they were each within striking-range of their respective adversary. ... And the birds just kept on tweeting, like all was fine and as it should be...