[h2]Gisela[/h2] The Hundi was indeed in a library, although it couldn't be said that she was reading much. The tomes owned by most nobility, no matter how expensive or old, were hardly of interest to somebody like her. While some families might have a few works on magic, it was exceptionally rare that any single family would have such a magical tradition as to personally own enough esoteric works to hold an experienced mage's attention. She knew of at least one such family down in Thaln, but the political mess [i]there[/i] made the ongoing trouble [i]here[/i] look almost harmless... although, part of that was the troubles further north spilling over into the dukes' internal conflict. Instead of reading, she was seated at a table, diagramming... something. "That looks like a magic circle" to the untrained eye, and indeed it was, but the goal or function? That would be a mystery. Not that she was alone in inspecting it, the red-skinned demon leaning over the table seemed to be scanning it as well. Which could only suggest that it was [i]something[/i] summoning related, she didn't seem the type to care much for other mortal spells. "Do you really need this many redundancies to focus the mana? You're hardly lacking for power, even with the inefficiency you could power this one on your own." "It's more the principle of the thing, even if nobody else would ever use the design..."