[center][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjgwLmZmNjEwMS5WM2xoZEhRZ1FXNWtaWEp6YjI0LjA/fun-cartoon-2.regular.webp[/img][/center] [right][sub][color=FF6101]Location:[/color] Webb Family Coffee House [color=FF6101]Interactions:[/color] Neko [@Atrophy][/sub][/right] [hr] Wyatt mouthed a quiet thank you to Jen, who gave him and the other stragglers a quick summary of the group and the details of the goings-on in Quintin. His eyes lit up at the mention of a haunted swamp they weren’t supposed to enter. It was like Jen was trying to make that swamp sound more exciting than just a breeding ground for mosquitos. With exploring the swamplands off the table, the options all involved trying to interview someone who probably didn’t want to talk to them. Splitting up to search for clues while a haunted swamp lingered in the background, sounded a whole lot like Scooby-Doo, and made it all seem less like a bad idea. Why there were so many missing Eleanors from one tiny, barely worth marking on a map, town still made no sort of sense. [color=FF6101]“I can help talk to the butler.”[/color] He chimed in to volunteer once Neko made a joke about the butler. [color=FF6101][i]The one who lost a daughter. Oof, now that’s gotta be a mindfuck.[/i][/color] He got up to look at the location on Jen’s map. [color=FF6101]“Looks like it’s right near the swamp, very least I can give you some backup if the creature of the Black Lagoon pops out.”[/color] If this was a Scooby-Doo situation it would only be the butler in a costume. He could handle a butler. Seemed a better option than poking around asking about missing girls or chatting up spoiled teens. [color=FF6101]“Looks like it’s gonna be a long walk unless you brought a car.”[/color] He added, grabbing his stuff. [hr] [right][sub][color=FF6101]Location:[/color] Blake Thorton’s creepy swamp cabin[/sub][/right] Looming on the outskirts of both town and swamp, sat the home of Blake Thorton. The sound of insects buzzing, frogs croaking, and faint splashes from whatever lived beneath the swamp’s murky waters. It almost looked like a nice comfortable cabin, secluded enough to be peaceful. But it also looked like the sort of place where people get murdered with no one around to hear all the screaming. Especially in a small town where folks didn’t like outsiders poking around. [color=FF6101]“Welcome to swamp cabin; come for the ambiance and never leave cause the butler fed ya to the gators.”[/color] Wyatt joked as he looked up at the cabin. Probably not the most helpful thing to say, given that there were already five missing girls in addition to the Eleanor mystery, but it did help shake the creepy feeling. [color=FF6101]“Well, lights are all on, someone must be home. What’s our story? Guessing a straight-up ‘Have you seen any Elenaors around recently’ or ‘What’s her family hiding’ is gonna get that door slammed in our faces. Pretend we’re working on a podcast about Quintin?”[/color] He suggested to whoever else was on team butler.