Urden allowed the merchant to make her sales pitch on new clothing, selling their qualities while looking over the damage done and the mending work to be done. It sounded like it shouldn't be too complicated a job. So why, pray tell, did it cost as much as it did then? Damnedable mark ups no doubt, but he would consider the information the Nem gave as part of the deal to be generous, and frankly, to save him time since he had other pressing matters to consider before spending time haggling with the Lion's attached merchant. He would surrender the clothing and agree to the payment, considering where the library was. Dear friend would have almost brought a snort of amusement from the merc if his coffers hadn't been lightened by as much as they had, but he fortunately needed nothing else from the merchant currently. [color=lightblue]"I will keep the new clothing shipment in mind, let's see how well the mending goes first, shall we? As for anything else, I think the information and mending will be all for now. I won't take up any more of your time since, how's the saying go, time is money?"[/color] Urden excused himself with a polite smile, though once he turned and was sure no reflective surfaces would betray his expression it quickly fell into a neutral, not quite pleased one. Being charged quite that much for a simple job didn't sit right, but he frankly didn't feel like either burning bridges by snubbing the merchant, or wasting even more time carrying around damaged clothing like a lost child. He'd need to get better with his needle work so that he wouldn't be paying quite so much in the future, or work a damages clause into his contract with the Boss. Though he didn't fancy renegotiating an entire contract for one addition, that was never a good look, but it didn't take him long to reach the library. Lucky him, he didn't need to go bothering servants and making them wonder what some mercenary wanted with the family library. Entering just in time to hear the remark on nobody else using the design, he made a rather chipper remark in response, also announcing himself at the same time. Spooking mages was never wise, especially ones with their pet daemon around. [color=lightblue]"Don't got selling yourself short, Handy, you watch, legends will one day speak of the groundbreaking magics of yours."[/color] Whether the mercenary was being serious, mocking, or just taking a crack at the mage and her work was hard to say. Still, Urden wouldn't pretend to understand a damn thing that she was doing, mages weren't too chatty with hired help typically, and the odd mutterings rarely made any more sense than a stark raving madman might. Not that he would ever say that out loud, he was brazen not stupid, though as he approached and got a better look at the circle, he could safely say it might as well be random scrawls for all the sense it made. Not that it needed to, not like he'd ever be slinging more than throwing axes. Still, he acknowledged the daemon before getting into the main purpose of his interruption, inclining his head to the duo briefly. Despite, or more likely in spite, of the off putting aura around the Hundi healer he kept the jovial tone from before, and kept up the bravado in casually addressing the daemon as he did anyone else. Sure, most folks didn't find having a daemon around particularly comforting, but from what he had seen Red here was about as honest as you could expect a daemon to be. Put most professional soldiers to shame with the combat prowess, and that he could focus on and just sidestep the whole horns and red skin bit. [color=lightblue]"Hey Red. I won't distract you two too long, maybe. Probably. Thanks for the healing after the little scuffle with the Morahti Handy, though correct me if I am wrong, since I probably am, but magical healing usually doesn't leave a throbbing ache this long after the magic was used?"[/color] Ideally, it would all just be a case of complaining over a lack of understanding healing magic and to just give it a few more days, but his gut instinct told him that by now he really should not be feeling any sort of aftermath to the injury. Normally he couldn't afford the luxury of magical healers and went about having his wounds mended the simpler way, stitchwork and bandages from the handiest person available.