Damn it...! She'd made her move to get the kid away from her in the first place, and now... She didn't care about humans. Elizstrazia wasn't the type to feel those kind of sympathies. She was a scale demon, after all. Down to her very core, it was something antithetical to her nature. At least, that was how she felt. And yet seeing the boy's head slam into the wall filled her with rage. She'd already been angry. Angry at the whole situation. Angry at being forced to pretend to be some ordinary maid. Angry at having to hide her nature. And now, the sight of the boy she'd tried to snatch from the possessed woman being slammed head-first into the wall made that fire burn even more intensely. The salamander-like demon that had concealed itself in the form of a maid was trying to bite her. Fine. It was time to teach it one more lesson before it died. Its jaws were poised to snap shut, so she caught them, gripping them tightly. Its body was soft, slick, but she used her clawed fingertips to dig into its flesh and hold its jaws open in her hands. And then she pulled, her arms tensing as she wrenched the demon's jaws in opposite directions from one another as hard and fast as she could. Transluscent skin stretched and tore, followed by muscle. From its head, to its neck, to its torso, and further down. Gore splattered across the hallway floor as Elizstrazia ripped the demon in half, blood spraying across her maid outfit as well. "I'll kill you, you bitch...!" The possessed woman was gone, certainly, but that didn't stop Elizstrazia from screaming her rage-filled declaration down the hall all the same. [@Rune_Alchemist][@Pyromania99]