[center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/pV5BXbKd/magic-girl-removebg-preview.png[/img][/center] [indent]Aria's eyes widened as she observed the bizarre spectacle unfolding before her. Bipedal rats, fur-covered and clad in tattered garments, had burst into the clearing. Her analytical mind struggled to process the sight of these rodent-like creatures, but there was no denying their presence. The creatures seemed just as surprised to encounter the human women as the women were to see them. The three ratmen were an odd sight, with two of them clutching makeshift clubs and the larger, black-furred one wielding a crude spear. Their tiny eyes darted nervously between the three women, and Aria couldn't help but notice the guttural quality of their squeaky communication. The tension in the clearing escalated as the largest ratman glared at them, baring its teeth and making aggressive noises. Aria's curiosity about this world and its inhabitants was now overshadowed by a growing sense of danger. She understood that these creatures were not to be taken lightly. Aria, her heart pounding with adrenaline, knew she needed to act quickly as the ratman in the tattered red garment charged toward her, his crude weapon held menacingly. Drawing upon the newfound abilities granted by her peculiar costume, she focused her mind and invoked her power. In an instant, as if following a video game prompt, a translucent window materialized before her eyes: [quote]Skill: Moonbeam Barrage Gathers moonlight which, when shaped into shimmering spheres, can be launched at enemies.[/quote] Aria took a deep breath, absorbing the information provided by the window. Moonlight. Shimmering spheres. Enemies. She had a vague understanding of what to do. As the ratman closed in, she extended her hand toward the sky, feeling a faint, ethereal energy coursing through her. With a determined expression, Aria gathered the moonlight into her palm, shaping it into shimmering spheres of radiant energy. Time seemed to slow as she released the spheres, launching them toward the approaching ratman. [/indent]