[center][h1][b][color=gold]Lillianna[/color][/b][/h1][/center] [quote]"I should..." she went to run into Church, then paused, looked back at Fenna and Lillianna, her eyes bouncing from one to other. "You said you were here on behalf of a Lucinda? About a... ghost?" With a look up and down Lillianna to reconfirm that she wasn't scuffed or bleeding or anything, she added a final mouthed, "Sorry."[/quote] [color=gold]"No no no, I'm sorry for not being rather clear in what I said. That and not watching for the potential to slip there..."[/color] Yet as the poor sister would seem to dismiss herself to go inside, the mage would nod at Fenna's suggestion to follow her in. Certainly wasn't a bad idea at the very least. Though as they walked in, it certainly was a sight. The gothic style seemed to continue its prevalence even within the hallowed halls of the building, with high cielings and grandiose architecture within. The stained glass windows even seemed to shine with a clean polish, depicting scenes of what were perhaps legends as well as a seemingly three or four different individuals within them. Saints? Deities? Heroes of old? She had no idea, but it felt as if someone had taken a bit out of old mythology and slapped it into stained glass windows almost at times. Likewise the stone of the floor and the wood of the hewn pews within the grand main hall of the building seemed to be just as neat....and actually simpler as well. More humble, really, but even so wrought with what seemed to be a handcrafted and polished style that felt reminiscent of modern day Earth. It overall felt as if placing one in the center of something 'grand', something special that was grand in its style and yet not excessively flashy or the ilk. It certainly reminded Lillianna of the architecture and styles seen at the Academy as well, though the manner of presentation felt different to her at the same time. [quote]There wasn't much time to gaze at what was around them, as another sister approached them and told them she had heard from sister Juliet something about Lucinda and ghosts and that she knew Lucinda, but that she could use more information about the ghosts.[/quote] [color=gold]"Ah! Yes. Well, I and my party not too long ago had to traverse the Mazy Hillocks. It was there I learned that, well, I am able to see the spirits of the dead. In particular, however, there is a deceased adventurer's spirit back there I am seeking to find out more about in particular. He died back in the Mazy Hillocks, but he helped save our skins and even helped save my life from a rather menacing direwolf to boot back there. I wanted to see if I could find out more about him, if possible. Though as for details, he was a gambeson-wearing halberdier. Had a fair bit of an accent, came from a small rural village, and said his sister could see the dead as well and was trained at their local church. Had sandy brown hair, messy and roughly-cut short, but he seemed to usually keep it under a helmet."[/color] That-....well, that honestly had been all of the information she could get about him back there, given the circumstances. In hindsight the mage felt a small pang of regret for not asking more, but likewise they had all been forced into a fight immediately afterward to boot. Then the nearly dying part, etc, and waking up to nearly blowing up a hospital room and the male nurses who had apparently been watching over her recovery. It wasn't much to go on, but perhaps it might ring a bell of sorts [s]no pun intended given the setting[/s] in the sister's mind. Or, well, perhaps it could get her sent to another person who might have more specific information at the very least.