[h2]Gisela[/h2] "Magical healing? No, there should be no ache," the mage answered, ears twitching as she turned to look at Urden with a frown, "Sometimes, there might be phantom pains, but usually that comes with wounds that healed naturally first. Maybe if there was poison or some type of curse on it..." The demon behind her had dragged over another sheet and roughly outlined the same circle, sans most of the detail. What [i]was[/i] important was numerous sections outlined in red chalk. "These need to go, if you're going to make it a circle any halfway competent mage could power." "But..." the hundi's eyes flicked back to the paper, despite Urden's presence, "Then the circle would need to be completed for every summon. That defeats the [i]point[/i] of making one directed by the caster's intent." Krysia groaned, straightening up, "Puppy... you're forgetting that most people don't know anything about demons. Or only know enough to select the worst examples. And in any scenario, they wouldn't know how to make a binding agreement safely. "You, soldier," the red-skinned giant said, pointing at him, "Imagine a world where any mage could summon almost any demon, without knowing the first thing about [i]controlling[/i] them." [@Eisenhorn]