[hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/K8f1fGj.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/7Zopqau.png[/img][/center][b]Interactions:[/b] Charlie ([@FernStone]), "Carl" ([@Zombiedude101]), and the Cloaked Weirdo. [right][b][code]Sybil A Harkness MD.[/code][/b][/right][hr] Lily was still at a loss here... she recoiled a bit with a raised eyebrow and stared at the cloaked girl as Charlie talked to her. [quote=Charlie][color=MediumSlateBlue]”Look, we ain’t in Quintin for the fun of it- Wait, how do you know why we’re here? How do you know mu- Eleanor Black? Just what’re you tryna do? Saying someone isn’t real won’t remove my memories of her. I’m not gonna leave cause of some vague bullshit. You clearly know her.”[/color][/quote] The stranger had her hands (and little basket) behind her back as she hummed a little song - swaying her hips from left to right as Charlie spoke. Literally the [i]exact[/i] second that Charlie stopped talking, the cloaked weirdo started, "I don't know her, actually." She looked off to the side. She then put a hand to her lips and then she chuckled as she stared at Charlie... not blinking even in the slightest. Then she put a finger to her cheek and then thought. "But, in a way, I might as well know her... because like your [i]fearless leader [/i]said, [i]other[/i] people came to Quintin looking for Eleanor Black. What she [i]left[/i] out - either due to obliviousness or something more... sinister - is that twenty-seven people came to Quintin - including those girls, [i]who[/i] I also tried to convince to leave - and guess what?" [color=Mediumorchid]"Chica, who the fuck are you? I'm about to knock your teeth out."[/color] Lily tilted her head. "Oh, where are my manners?" The lady had a wide smile on her face as she presented her hand. "[i]Odessa Kayla Maxwell[/i] and [i]I'm[/i] the trying to get to the bottom of this madness." No one took her hand and it was awkwardly silent. [color=Mediumorchid]"Soo...."[/color] Lily trailed off. [color=Mediumorchid]"... What? What happened to them? Lemme guess they're all dead?"[/color] "Twenty-six of them are missing... the body of one was found in town and umm... it's not pretty," Odessa snorted. "When I say that Eleanor Black is not real: [i]something[/i] is luring you all here - and I suspect that [i]something[/i] is killing you all." [color=Mediumorchid]"Actually, how the fuck do you know so much about what we talked about?"[/color] Lily put a hand on her hip. "I was hiding in the bushes, listening to your whole conversation!" Odessa answered. "Next time, close the window!" Odessa laughed. [color=Mediumorchid]"That's not cute or funny at all..."[/color] Lily trailed off. "But do you all have an [i]idea[/i] of what's out here? Strange things that shouldn't be possible, but are!"