Awoken suddenly and abruptly, Qal could feel their limbs ache like the beast had been rampaging; and considering Qal couldn’t seem to move an inch, perhaps it had been. [color=90AC4A][i]Although[/i][/color], Qal pondered, [color=90AC4A][i]the ache is slightly different[/i][/color] - like sitting wrong for too long instead of the usual muscle fatigue that Qal gets after a transformation, and there was no fog or hazy memories, so Qal figured they could confidently say the beast had not been in control. At least, not yet; Qal could feel it trying to break free, to little effect. Whatever bonds were keeping Qal from moving seemed to be keeping the beast in line too. 

Qal couldn’t seem to remember how they got here; the last thing they remembered was sitting in their too bright and warm cell, drawing odd patterns in the dust on the floor while watching the sleepy pile of mice huddled up on their ratty blanket. Qal often found themself surrounded by the company of small critters, their cell being the warmest in the Maw to keep the beast sluggish and slow. Qal remembered looking up as a visitor’s presence was felt at the door - no, not a visitor, [b][i]The Warden[/i][/b].

[color=90AC4A][i]Ah. That explains it then.[/i][/color]

Tuning back into their surroundings, Qal listened to the shouts and concerns of others in the room. Hearing such loud and angry voices around them was discerning; the rats and spiders weren't usually so noisy, and Qal’s solitary cell kept almost all noise out. Qal finally looked around and tried to focus on their surroundings as they could feel the beast’s unease - not just from The Warden, who stood prominently before them, but it seemed that there was magic flowing through some of the others in the room too. Qal kept their focus solely on the Warden though, knowing that whoever else might be in here, none of them could compare to The Warden’s power. 

Plus, in Qal’s experience here, it was simply easier and faster to stay quiet and listen to what the authority wanted. As much as Qal wished to escape back to the sylvan forests, they enjoyed the small amount of peace and solitude they were rewarded with for their cooperation. Qal had witnessed countless times already how ineffective and counterproductive arguing and struggling was.

So, Qal stood still and stared at The Warden, waiting for her to announce whatever reason she had brought them all here.