[@Click This], [@Crusader Lord], [@Hammerman], [@PINKPANTHERESS], [@Qia] [hr] [center][h3][b]Some Forest...[/b][/h3][/center] [center][b]Da'Niyah & Sayu:[/b][/center] As the dark skinned woman in the overly flowery gown unleashed a barrage of petals and throns at her assailant, the black-furred ratman let out a shrill snarl, followed by a small growl. However, despite [b][u]Da'Niyah's[/u][/b] attack ripping off small tufts and bits of the creature's fur, and obviously causing some disomfort to the little guy, it wasn't enough to stop its charge. Her step back and to the side also wasn't enough to move out of the path of the sprinting, charging beast-thing, as it had more than enough time and distance to readjust its path before reaching her. And reach her it did, with a solid thud the tip f the stone-tipped, makeshift spear struck the woman in her gut... But... That was about all it did... The cloth didn't get torn, no blood was spilled and nobody let out a gut-wrenching scream of agony. In fact, to [b][u]Da'Niyah[/u][/b], the experience was more akin to being punched in the stomach by a teenager, rather than being skewered by a polearm. Still, it wasn't a pleasant feeling and she'd likely be feeling that impact for a while after this whole ordeal, but at least she wasn't going to be the first person to die right after being transocated to another world. The ratman, though, seemed a bit confused and was rapidly turning his head from one side to the other, his nostrils flaring and his eyes blinking and flittering all over the place. It seemed the barrage of flowers had left the pitiful creature momentarily blinded. Which was great for [b][u]Sayu[/u][/b], who out of nowhere just came rushing in like a viking berserker and promptly planted her newly claw-adorned appendage into the side of the rodent creature's head. While she aimed for its jugular, the reality of the situation was that [u][b]Sayu[/b][/u] wasn't a martial artist, nor had her costume bestowed upon the girl any sort of knowledge or inherent, passive skill or talent for fighting. Meaning she only had her own experience to rely on. That really didn't hinder her in an way though, as onve her clawed wolverine-infringement-knock-off struck the creature, it was promptly send sideways, flying away from [b][u]Da'Niyah[/u][/b] in a glorious ragdoll-like fashion, stopped only by a small thin tree a very short distance away. The ratty rodent-man collapsed onto the grassy ground, fresh blood now slowly tirckling out of several newly acquired piercing-potential-holes on the left side of its face. The creature whined and hissed weakly, apparently not dead yet, but obviously being wounded or shocked enough to not get back up immediately. It had also dropped its weapon, which was a plus! [center][b]Aria:[/b][/center] With the power of moonlight magic, the sailor soldier welcomed her on-coming adversary by firing off tiny spheres of luminous magic, or something along those lines. The tiny balls zipped forward and, as the ratman kept charging straight ahead, it didn't have time to do anything but run face-first into the volley of projectiles. Muted zapping and bursting noises were heard as the moon-bullets detonated upon the beastman... And after they were all done popping, what was left was a rat-fellow, standing still, with burnt fur and burnt garments, staring ahead in a blank stupor, before comedically falling over to one side, dropping its club harmlessly on the ground. It appeared that this one was quite done, both in the litterl and figurative way. That's right, [b][u]Aria[/u][/b], who had never once in her life probably needed to kill another creature to survive, had just [b]ended the life of another sentient being with enough intelligence to use tools[/b]. Basically, she'd just terminated something as intelligent as a monkey back on earth. Hopefully, none of that knowledge would bother her once she realized it. [center][b]Cecilia & Charlotte[/b][/center] The last ratman who was gunning for [b][u]Cecilia[/u][/b] got to its mark within seconds. With a mighty hefted club, it swung and... Harmlessly bounced off... Even though it sturck the girl straight in the tum-tums, the attack did absolutely nothing. The little rodent stared, confused. It then got a shoulder-full-of sword, as [b][u]Cecilia[/u][/b] struck back... Awkwardly... As she too did not have any latent talent or inherited knwoeldge of swordplay from her costume. Having a metal blade sunk into your body isn't pleasant no matter if its a master or a novice who causes it though, and the ratman would agree, as he started to shriek and snarl in pain. [i][b]FOOM! .[/b][/i] ... Which was only amplified when he was suddenly set aflame, though the tone was less angry and defiant and more panicked and desperate now. Apparently, [b][u]Charlotte's[/u][/b] burning dice-magic had struck true, and set the foul thing ablaze... Which, was kind of horrifying, as it now struggled both to get free of [u][b]Cecilia's[/b][/u] and figure out a way to quell [b][u]Charlotte's[/u][/b] fire. Unfortunately, it managed to do neither, and eventually just collapsed in a smoldering heap infront of the bikini-clad girl. The stench of burnt fur and roastedm ratmeat was quite intense wheile standing this close. But ehy, at least [b][u]Aria[/u][/b] wasn't alone in having killed a native now! And this one died far more horrendously and painful than the one she killed, so there was always comfort in that! [center][b]All the Girls:[/b][/center] With their ambush(?) dealt with, the only thing left now was the bigger, black-furred ratman. Lying near the tree which [b][u]Sayu[/u][/b] had knocked it into, the creature was injured. It began to stir and try and make an effort to move, but either it was too hurt or too dazed to be able to stand back up. The girls now had a new challenge ahead of them: What to do next? Since they already slew the other two, would they kill this one as well? Or did they try to communicate with it? Perhaps they should think about the possibility of [i]more[/i] of these things showing up, given the noise and ruckus that was just caused? If they did decide to put this one down, it was so weak and defenseless that basically anyone could do it - it wasn't able to offer any sort of resistance at this point.