[hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/JggQfxy.png[/img][hr][b][Color=00ffff]Location:[/color][/b] Framework lobby [B][Color=00ffff]Skills: [/color][/b]Data gathering and analysis [B][Color=00ffff]Equipment: [/color][/b]N/A[/center][hr][h3][color=AC3EFF][b]10:10 AM - Wed. Sep. 15th, 2038[/b][/color][/h3] [hider=Personal notes] [code] - Implement redundancies while defending against teleporters. One generator is not enough. - Make that defending in general. - Why the FUCK does a power line for my CHEST generator run on my BACK?! Rewire this, ASAP. - Actually, rewire all of the generators with a redundant power line. It should not get disabled by one bloody stab! - Create and carry a spare parts kit with you to a fight. This time it was an MFG, but what if it's a leg actuator, or you actually get EMP'd? - Right, properly EMP harden the spare parts kit, too. - I should talk to Diana about how her powers work, see if I can come up with some equipment to prevent them from failing deadly. Some sort of probability stabilizing field? Entanglement undersuit? Adrenalin shot? Aderall? - Talk to Ed about how to communicate during a mission. - Commit acts of animal cruelty. - This did not help evaluate how we'd perform as a team one bit! - Well, no... Leah is alright, I guess I can trust her to watch my back at least. Hopefully the frenzied, arrogant and cowardly nature of the others doesn't get us two killed before we get the job done. - ^That's not the best attitude to have for fixing the problem, dummy. [/code] [/hider] The conclusion left her wanting. [Color=00ffff][sub][sup]"Mission failed."[/sup][/sub][/color] Victoria whispered under her breath. Wholesome as the scene was, they had an objective: Be the last one standing. That always left space for only one of them to succeed, but now they [b]all[/b] failed, as two of them emerged out as last. She waited for a little while to see if either of them would stab the other in the back, but when the simulation turned off, she sighed, turning away from the screen. The news of being made a leader of this lot left her indifferent. She did not mind it. Eventually, she was meant to lead the first batch of serial production ASTRAs after all. Best to start getting into such a role. It [b]did[/b] feel like she was just given monumental amount of homework though. [Color=00ffff][i]Besides, who am I kidding? I'm not their leader. They didn't pick me. I'm the commanding officer at best. I'll need to earn the rest first.[/i][/color] she looked at the faces of the others. An excitable child in the body of a goddess. A coward with a brain. An archer with a temper. An earthbender who may not be just an earthbender. The robot in disguise. And then, there was the teacher who seemed like her dream team was a company of murderhobos. [Color=00ffff][i]Oh boy...[/i][/color] The team she could deal with. It was the coach that would be a problem. Whatever Usagi's motivation was, Vicky decided right there and then that even if she ended up getting ground into powder under her paw, she had to try and shield the rest of the team from most of Usagi's insane bloodlust, and do her best to turn the purpose of these sessions from training how to end lives to training how to preserve them. Speaking of, the first lives they would need to preserve were their own. Something this session shown needed not just improvement, some of them needed the [b]basics[/b]. Better strike the iron while it's hot. [color=00ffff]"Go sluice off and then reassemble here, I want to show you something."[/color] She asked, wanting to get this thought over now so that they had time to think of it before the next session. As the rest of the lot filed out to the changing rooms, Vicky plopped down behind the computers, found the image she needed and maximized it over the screen, waiting for the rest to come back. [Center][Img]https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Peter-Lawrence/publication/305992673/figure/fig1/AS:614093505433600@1523422709160/Integrated-Survivability-onion.png[/img][/center] [Color=00ffff]"This is called the survival onion. With you in the middle, these are all of the layers of protection that have to fail before you die. I want you all to commit this to memory, because I really don't want to be reporting KIAs on our first real mission. The first one is easy. Shoot first. Even if you miss, you can now correct your aim off of your first shot, and the other guy... Let's just say that getting shot at is what is known as significant emotional event. Second, stay out of their sight. Ed, this is what I meant when I said you had the best approach. You were able to remain completely unmolested until you broke cover, good job. I hope you know it will not always be a viable strategy though. Next, prevent the enemy from making an attempt even if you know where they are. Take cover etc. Leah, fine job with the pillars, although I'll admit I was surprised I punched through one. We'll have to keep the quality of the cover in mind. If that fails: Dodge. This is what I need to work on. When I'm not in the air I tend to stand around and get hit by boulders like an idiot. If you can't prevent the enemy from hitting you, kill them before they kill you. Diana, Zarina, this is you. Points for teamwork, and right away for picking incorrect targets. Zari should have rightly been engaging me and I should have checked out immediately. Instead..."[/color] She gave Diana a meaningful look. [Color=00ffff]"Once you get hit, all may still not be lost. Some of us can resist hits better than others. Diana, Ed, if you want, drop by and let's see if I can give some of your outsits kevlar lining, blast padding and the like. And if you survive the hit, you need to do damage control - brace a broken leg, stop bleeding - And restore capability, e.g. find a stick to use as a crutch. I'd like all of you to think on what you could have done better today knowing all of this. Hit me up if you want to talk about it. I think we'll have ample opportunity to practice this."[/color] she said, giving Usagi a nasty side eye, [color=00ffff]"And hit me up if I can help you figure it out. Also, Diana, when you have time, I'd like to talk to you and to try my hand at preventing that half-teleportation problem. Ed, I'll send you some material on how to communicate in the field. We had a plan, and then you ran out on me without a beep. That gets people killed. Otherwise, I believe we have more classes to be in."[/color] she looked at Usagi for confirmation that today's lesson was done, and then finally hit the showers herself, before her hair solidified into a helmet.