[h2]Gisela[/h2] ... using her magic to deal with drunkenness or hangovers would be wasteful, but if someone were to ask, she wasn't going to say no. For one, Velvetica wasn't paying for her services on a case-by-case basis, so she [i]was[/i] going to be available. Secondly, any excuse to cast some sort of spell was a good one in her mind. Maybe she could refine it some more? Selectively purging toxins wasn't the sort of thing she needed to do much, but it might make for an interesting challenge, if she could scale it up that might allow for a large-scale sobering spell to affect an entire group. "I was thinking more of a small cottage..." the mage mumbled, eyes going to the demon for a minute, "Maybe quite a large one. With headroom. Oh, and I'd need somewhere to keep books." "Permanent circles have their uses, if the mage casts the same spell often enough. They can use magically conductive materials to make it easier to cast, and get to it at a moment's notice. It's generally only useful when the effect is very draining, or the circle is very generic," the demon took over the explanation, Gisela having grabbed a spare sheet and apparently decided to start sketching out a floor plan, "A less proficient summoner might make one when they arrange something with a more powerful demon like myself. [i]This[/i] one put something like that in her staff to cut down the time it needs. "Which is why we're [i]not[/i] leaving one around that would let every average mage accidentally summon Merophayal [i]because they were frustrated[/i]." The hundi whimpered at that. [@Eisenhorn]