[hr]ATTN: [@PaulHaynek] (Ian)[hr]
Deciding to leave everything behind, Alice with Carroll quietly deserted the recently-besieged Terauchi Temple to pursue their personal goals. Nary a farewell to their fellow taskforce members nor to Takeshi Oja, save for Shizuka Kannazuki who saw them off.

The knight in with the rainbow armor, Ian North, was their key back to the realm of Wonderland. The rainbow knight had the signature energies of Carroll’s sisters imprinted on him, which made him likely aware of Alice and Carroll’s situation. However, they had no idea where Ian was and they last saw him in that port during their previous quest.

So that was where they went. A slightly different route, however, landed them in a ruined village of burned down houses and devastated survivors who were mourning their dead or gathering their belongings. Surprisingly and coincidentally, Ian North was here. His western, rainbow-colored armor was noticeable even from a distance. He was in the middle of the village, sitting beside the settlement’s stone well and tying rope together.

“[color=ghostwhite]Well, well, well! Short time, no see, Your Majesty![/color]” Ian greeted Alice and Carroll, while the other survivors in the village continued their businesses. “[color=ghostwhite]On your way to another mission? That was pretty quick. I would’ve bet money that you’d take some time to rest for a while after your last mission.[/color]”

"[color=976f29][i]Let's go,[/i][/color]" Alice says. "[color=976f29][i]You didn't linger here out of any concern for this village,[/i][/color]" she says, "[color=976f29][i]Odds are, you were just waiting for us to arrive. After all, you didn't offer to take us home out of the kindness of your heart.[/i][/color]"

Alice settled her hands on her hips, "[color=976f29][i]I'd ask what you stand to gain from this team up, but I don't care.[/i][/color]"

Ian stopped his weaving and stood up, unamused at Alice’s tone and demands. “[color=ghostwhite]I don’t know what horsebull you think I’m doing or wanna do, but I’d stop assuming if I were you.[/color]” He crossed his arms. “[color=ghostwhite]Now what’s this about a team-up? Where are we going? I may know you, and I know your sword’s sisters, but that doesn’t mean I can read your mind.[/color]”

Alice narrowed her eyes, "[color=976f29][i]Assuming, am I? Though, the offer was yours.[/i][/color]"

Leveling her sword, Alice would transform Carroll into her crimson form, and point at Ian. Her tolerance of the rainbow knight was null, as it was, but the fact he was acting like he hadn't pulled her aside on their return journey was pissing her off. It was nothing short of the fact he was the best lead to home that kept her from running him through.

Alice was short on patience; the last fragment burned by Kerry. In truth, it was mounting pressures and that had been the cracking blow, but what little patience she'd summoned up, Ian was dangerously close to cracking, selfsame as the Hornet had.

"[color=976f29][i]Hrm...[/i][/color]" Alice groaned, before sheathing Carroll, and rubbing her temples. "[color=976f29][i]Did you lie to me for your own twisted amusement, or can you actually take us to Wonderland,[/i][/color]" she says, "[color=976f29][i]Serious answers. No more games.[/i][/color]"

Ian never reacted at Carroll being pointed at him but let out a sigh at the question. “[color=ghostwhite]Ah, so that’s what this is about. Well, good news is I can take you there. No problem, easy-peasy.[/color]” The rainbow knight said. “[color=ghostwhite]But are you really going now? What about the taskforce? Err, I suppose you don’t really care about them. What about Takeshi? And your fling with Shizuka? Your debt to Lady Kyouko?[/color]”

As he asked those questions, though, Ian pulled out a small pouch and began pouring its contents into the well: Some sort of pink-colored sugar.

"[color=976f29][i]If I wasn't sure, I wouldn't be here,[/i][/color]" Alice says, "[color=976f29][i]As to the rest, why do you care? That so-called Taskforce... my first memory of them is being surrounded by them, assaulted by magic, and then chased by their wild boar. Takeshi, Shizuka... they mean nothing to me... just a Human I used to recharge, and another that recharged my sword...[/i][/color]" she paused at Lady Kyouko, before looking up, hands behind her back, "[color=976f29][i]Debt? I don't recall any debts. I was fine with dying in that fire. It was her that made the decision to save me. I didn't ask...[/i][/color]"

Ian was silent for a moment before giving a shrug. “[color=ghostwhite]Well, so long as you’re sure.[/color]” The rainbow knight then took a look at the bottom of the well which was now giving off a pinkish glow. “[color=ghostwhite]Yep! That’s about as ready as it can be.[/color]” He remarked before returning to address Alice. “[color=ghostwhite]Alright, Your Majesty. One jump into that well and you’ll be back home in Wonderland.[/color]” Ian said. “[color=ghostwhite]I’ll follow you in once you jump. Keep in mind that this is a one-way portal so if we wanna head back to this plane, we’re gonna have to look for another way. Well, [i]you’ll[/i] have to look. I have my own ways but we’re not close enough for me to share that with you.[/color]”

“[color=ghostwhite]Just jump in once you’re ready…[/color]” The rainbow knight finished. “[color=ghostwhite]...and without regrets.[/color]”

"[color=976f29]What regrets could I have for abandoning [i]them[/i]...[/color]" Alice asks, dropping her soft lilt and sense of majesty. Rolling her eyes at Ian’s implication that he was just free and clear to hop dimensional borders at-will, Alice would vault over into the well; she could be taken as overly trusting, but, honestly, she was fine with whatever the outcome was...

...even if it was death.