Katherine caught the doll as it was launched at her with little to no recoil from it. "Hey, rude priests. Would you like to calm down?" She asked, aiming her gun at the one with the halberd. It was frustrating to have these priests show up now. "It's bad enough when you get so into your fanaticism that you can't see two feet in front of you but I'd like if you didn't kick my little precious babies aside." The firbolg seemed irritated. "I'd also appreciate it if you would stop trying to mutilate my companion." The woman mentioned, "Stop swinging and I'll happily put my weapons down." A few of the nearby dolls would aim at this Madeline as Katherine lowered her own gun to set the doll back down so it could stand on it's own. She then turned toward the other member of the clergy, not threatening her at all. "And you're right. We're not with Havershel. Think what you will of why we are here, but we wish to solve the little conundrum here as well. "His possessed wife went towards these steps and I believe that's where we shall be. And this here is his son. Poor little guy is worse for wear." Katherine added with a smile. "Luckily he's alive for now." With that, she started to walk toward the stairs since they needed to find the wife. Her dolls would lower their weapons on Madeline if she stopped trying to attack her teammates and they would follow her.