[@Qia] [center][h3][b]Sayu Takayomi[/b][/h3][/center] "Haa… haa… haa… haa…" Sayu panted as she witnessed the result of her attack. To her surprise, it went better than she had expected. The ratman put scarcely any resistance as her claws landed on its head. She intended to just tear into him on the spot but the extra force she put led to the ratman being thrown across the clearing instead.  She retracted her claws, gazing in awe at her hands. [i]This… this power… I really have superhuman strength…[/i] She walked towards the wounded ratman, eyeing him from top to bottom, readying herself if it were to launch a surprise attack at her. She wouldn't care if it ran or surrendered but if it was going to just sit there doing nothing, she couldn't just let it be. Its wounds didn't seem to be grievous enough that it wouldn't still be able to attack them. [quote]"What...should we do with it?"[/quote] Sayu stopped in her tracks, turning to face Aria. "Isn't it obvious? We should finish the job. Unless it decides to run away or surrender, I say we should strike it down while it's weakened." She turned back to face the ratman, placing her hands on her hips. "What will it be? Can you even understand our language?"