With a light chuckle, Damian offered a nod. [color=00a651]"Call me Damian, Wildlife photographer."[/color] Coming to lean against one of the bookshelves, he crossed his arms while holding up a hand. [color=00a651]"As per your question, Kiff, there are 4 languages total from what I could tell. It started as a fusion of both Northern Fae and Desert Pheredhel, before suddenly going into Serpent-tongue. Anyone else getting this far would only get a set of gibberish with the way how 2 of those languages were used as fake cyphers all while being overlaid with Serpent-tongue. The only word in our Common tongue we'd get is 'Milli', possibly a name but it's too early to tell. Whoever did this seems to have a love of riddles, but that's not the interesting part."[/color] With each language mentioned, one finger had risen to emphasize the point. By the end of it his arm had folded back with it's twin as he looked at the librarian proper. [color=00a651]"Tell me Kiff, how good's your Voidial?"[/color]