[center][h3][b][color=E948FC]Danny Kingston[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/363556781537886208/813757202661113906/Daniel_5.jpg [/img][hr][b][color=E948FC]Location:[/color][/b] Avenger's Academy, Library [b][color=E948FC]Skills:[/color][/b] N/A [/center] [center][color=7FFFD4][h1]Madalyne Crane[/h1][/color] [img]https://media.tenor.com/rCQp7TEyma0AAAAC/hope-mikaelson.gif[/img] [I]Location: Avenger's Academy, Library Skills: N/A Grimoire: N/A[/I][/center] [hr][hr] Danni skipped out of his dorm and right down the hall, basically right next door. Vicky's comment the other day brought up a good point - Danni really had no idea how to handle a dragon, let alone raise one. What if he'd already killed the poor baby? Maybe it didn't want to be snuggled up under a heat lamp, maybe it wanted to sit in a freezer or be buried like a turtle. He'd forgot Mads's offer in the chaos of their first day but he was here to take her up on it now. Now, Danni wasn't really the studious type. Danni would even argue that libraries were his natural enemy. The silence was suffocating, the general stillness made his skin crawl, and the weird smell every library had made him nauseous, and it never failed to make Danni itch for a itsy, bitsy light show. So, it was for the greater good he went with a chaperone who he could bother and annoy instead of setting this on fire. Plus, he didn't want to be a dead beat dad! He need to know how to take care of his baby properly; neglect wasn't an option. [color=E948FC]"Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaads, open up, open up!"[/color] Danni sang as pounded loudly on the door, bouncing on his toes. [color=E948FC]"Wanna take ya up on your offer ta go ta t'e library for a Dummy's Guide ta Dragons!"[/color] Madalyne sat in her dorm she was doing a little bit of light reading she was enjoying her day as she stopped and heard Danni’s voice from outside of her room. She had nearly forgotten that she had offered to help Danni with his new little baby dragon. She needed to return a few books anyway to as Madalyne made her way towards the door and grabbed the books that she was going to return. She gave Danni a friendly smile as she opened the door and looked at him. [color=7FFFD4]“I was just about to head down to the library so lets go and get you hooked up with some dragon learning material.”[/color] [color=E948FC]"Yaaaas! Lets get t'at lit!"[/color] Danni cheered, immediately winding an arm in hers and setting out. [color=E948FC] "So Vicky busted on in, nearly gave me a 'eart attack too 'cause Dee played a prank on 'er wit' some electrical doodads. You know, Dee always geeks over Vicky's stuff anyway but guess he wanted to be a shneaky shnake about it and I t'ought they got in a fight and Dee was unconscious but 'e wasn't but more importantly, Vicky asked 'bout the egg and I don't know up from down about takin' care of it so figured we could chill and read about it together!"[/color] Danni spoke animatedly, waving his free hand around with gusto as they walked. [color=E948FC]"Plus, we 'aven't 'ad any 'angout time in aaaaages. Killin' two birds wit' one stone and all t'at! Oh, I'm so excited! You t'ink t'at it'll be easy ta take care of a dragon? Oh jeez, what if it's t'e size of a tree? Like t'e 'aunted tree! You know, t'e one t'e little child 'aunts here!"[/color] Danni paused a second as something in his head seemed to click and he practically [i]vibrated[/i] as he walked. [Color=E948FC]"OMG, Mads, Mads. Listen, listen. You 'ave magic, and magic people can like, talk ta ghosts and shit right? Can you ask t'e tree ghost it's name? I am [i]dyin'[/i] ta know."[/color] [color=7FFFD4]“We hangout all the time whenever you guys come over to my dorm to visit April you know. But it’s nice to just hang out the two of us actually.”[/color] Madalyne said with a slight laugh as she gently patted her friend on the shoulder as she led him down towards the library. [color=7FFFD4]"I’m sure Vicky loved it when Dorian decided to prank her or whatever.”[/color] She said as they got closer towards the library. [color=7FFFD4]“Do you mean a seance or something?”[/color] She asked him, it really wasn’t that hard if you knew what you were doing, people without magic did them all the time anyway. [color=7FFFD4]“We could do that sometime if you want I just need to get some stuff for it.”[/color] She told him as they finally made it to the library now. [color=E948FC] "Obvi, between just us! Hangin' wit' t'e group hits different, ya know?"[/color] Danni giggled as he pulled open the library door. It was rare that he came in here, group project partners nearly dragging him by the collar to get his help. The soaring, vaulted ceilings contained rows on rows on rows of shelves and his head just started spinning the second he tried to process it all he swore he was allergic, but most people just ignored him when he insisted he was allergic to the library. [color=E948FC] "Oooh, yes a seance! We should tots do t'at sometime! Get answers and spread t'em around ta see what craziness happens!"[/color] Danni smiled sheepishly at the few people who shushed him, forgetting to adjust his volume as they came in. [Color=E948FC] "Okay, dragons. Where can we find books on t'at?"[/color] Danni asked, looking around thoughtfully. Madalyne smiled as she shook her head slightly at Danni’s antics as they entered the library some of the other students in there shushed him. “But yeah we can do that sometime i’ll need some stuff for it though.” She said as she entered the aisle that had the spot for magical creatures. “The books should be here in the magic section follow me.” She said as she made her way towards her usual spot where she spent a lot of her spare time in. [color=7FFFD4]“So you got a name for the little guy yet?”[/color] She asked as she started looking at some of the books. [color=E948FC] "Oh, it's been 'ard settlin' on one! I t'ought 'bout Aggie 'cause t'e old witch gave 'im ta me, t'en I was like nah, it's not epic enough. So t'en I t'ought 'ydras are super intense and t'en I t'ought what about Kraken cause t'en I could be like "Release t'e Krakren!" And it would be my adorable baby chewing faces off!"[/color] Danni cackled as he inspected the books. The only book he could find was beaten and battered, clearly having seen better days. Danni pouted as he pulled ot off the shelf. [color=E948FC] "Gross. What is t'is t'in'? Is it any good?"[/color] Danni flipped it open, scanning it. The information, something about another dimension, made his head spin and he quickly closed it. [color=E948FC] "Nope, not'in' good, just gross."[/color] Madalyne looked at Danni as he managed to find a book that looked like it was in pretty rough shape, and it looked like the other dragon books were taken and checked out. [color=7FFFD4]“Here let me see it.”[/color] Madalyne said as she gently took the book that Danni had and looked it over. It looked like it was actually really useful. Her knowledge on dragons was good but this had more info than she could provide. She then started to chant a spell quietly, since they were in the library she didn’t want to be loud at all really. The book started to slowly repair itself somewhat the book was still in rough shape but it was in better condition now, and it didn’t look like someone’s dog tried to eat it. [color=7FFFD4]"It’s the only book we have really, the others look like they are checked out.”[/color] She said to Danni as she handed it back to him. [color=E948FC] "Aww, you're t"e best!"[/color] Danni cheered, throwing his arm over her shoulder. [color=E948FC] "Still, it doesn't seem like such a great book? It's like… a guide book from somewhere I don't know even exist? Mads, you're a magic person; do you know anyt'in' about dragons? Like, I know not everyone magic will but people wit' magic are probs gunna know more t'an someone wit'out it. I really just need ta know what temp it likes ta snooze in, how long it's gunna be before it 'atches, and if it needs like… 17.2 sheep or somet'in' once it does for food. Also, I gots ta figure out what kind of horde it's gunna want cause I'm gunna be t'e best dragon daddy and I need ta get a 'ead start!"[/color] Madalyne gave Danni a smile as he wrapped an arm over her shoulder. “Well text books aren’t supposed to be all that interesting unlike fiction books.” She said teasingly as she started to think about her knowledge on dragons Agatha did do a small unit on them awhile back during her first year attending the academy. [color=7FFFD4]“From what I remember one species of dragon the European kinds their flames can melt reality.”[/color] She said with a slight shrug as she looked back at the book. [color=7FFFD4]“Thats about all I know, that book though does have a dimension you could go to and they’d give you more information about it than I could. Maybe they could even find out what kind of dragon yours is to.”[/color] She pointed out. [color=E948FC] "Well, I mean sure, but like, 'ow do I do t'at in the middle of the semester, ya know? I don't t'ink dimension 'oppin' is as easy as openin' the library doors, right?"[/color] In any show he'd seen, it took enormous amounts of magical energy to open portals between dimensions and Danni def didn't have that! [color=E948FC] "Well, I'll check it out and see if Dee 'as any ideas. He does more wit' t'at kinda stuff."[/color] Madalyne thought for a moment, she did have a class on other dimensions and stuff. [color=7FFFD4]“I can see about asking my Study of Ethereal Realms, Planes, and Dimensions teacher about it that should be helpful.” She said giving Danni a smile. “I think thats about all we can do at the moment though i’ll help whenever and wherever I can to.”[/color] [color=E948FC]"Yes, tell me all t'e magical secrets! T'ough, do you t'ink t'ere is a magical creatures class on campus? Or like, a myt'ical biology class? I could just ask t'e prof t'ere about it, right?"[/color] Danni pondered, tapping the book on his chin. [color=E948FC] "Oh well, t'at's a question for anot'er time, anot'er day. Right now, we have a seance to play!"[/color] Danni cheered, wrapping his arm in hers and marching to checkout the book, all while chatting on about his theories for who the ghost haunting the tree is. [color=7FFFD4]”I do have a cryptozoology course as well to so you could swing by sometime and ask the teacher about that as well to.”[/color] Madalyne said as she smiled and started to take out her phone as she started to make a list for the seance later for all the materials that they would need for it while they went to check out the book.