[@The Irish Tree]

[quote]"Well...I must admit, I'm rather upset Kikyo didn't pass my message along. Especially after she ranted at me about how I was simply saving lives so they'd be indebted to me."[/quote]

[color=fff79a]"Tch, I believe you."[/color], Kerry scoffed. [color=fff79a]"The sentiment is probably shared by everyone in Takeshi's inner circle. So ungrateful."[/color]

[quote]"You left, and as such were no longer a threat to the humans in the village. I had no reason to give chase. After you and Relica left, I followed the Monk back to his actual home, and there I helped cure the villagers of the disease that was affecting them. It turned out to simply be some poison in the well that was causing the issue. Likely Varjans."[/quote]

The hornet stared at Eula with wide eyes, stunned at this revelation. Turns out there WAS village that was sick. Which means....

[color=fff79a][i]I robbed a monk of his money for no reason.[/i][/color]

Regret and guilt suddenly manifested within her, like giant cockroaches that were crawling up her back.

[color=fff79a]"Are you serious?"[/color], Kerry uttered as she got up and began pacing, chitinous hands on her head as she came to grips over what she had done. [color=fff79a]"Then why the hell were we at that first village!? Why waste our time going there instead of going straight to the one that needed our help!? Now I feel like an absolute shithead! I...I have to tell Shizuka about this! FUCK!"[/color]

At this point, Kerry stopped pacing and took deep breaths to calm herself down. She'll have to resolve this issue as well. Sooner rather than later because if word got around that a member of the taskforce robbed a monk, it would destroy any and all trust the locals may have had with them, however meager that trust was. For now though....

[color=fff79a]"Okay, note to self: Give that monk his money back. Feel free to hold me to that promise, Eula."[/color], she proclaimed as she sat back down to resume the discussion. [color=fff79a]"Second and final topic: Why did you shoot a warning shot at me? I get it, I robbed a local and that definitely is a major no-no in the taskforce. But like Relica said, that shot could've taken my head off. I've never seen an automaton react that strongly before. So...why?"[/color]