Lirrah forced a bright smile as she was once again forced to contemplate Velvetica's use of the 'lady' honorific in reference to her. Lirrah was relatively certain she had never tried to falsely pass herself off as a member of nobility, though her status could not be easily checked as a foreigner. What's more, Velvetica's older brother was nearby. She did not want him to have the impression that she made his younger sister refer to herself as such, but she also did not want to contradict Velvetica in front of her brother.

Nobility was confusing and dangerous. She'd normally assume she was being toyed with, but as always, she was willing to give Velvetica the benefit of the doubt. She seemed remarkably earnest, at least in contrast to that [i]other[/i] noble. But earnest or not, there would always be a discrepancy in power between herself and the nobility that could not be bridged.

At least, it couldn't outside of making said noble emotionally reliant on her. That was doable, though Velvetica as a subject would probably take some work. She seemed almost comedically strong-willed. Might be best to slow-play this relationship. Either way, contradicting Velvetica in front of her brother was a complete faux pas, so it would probably be best to just not acknowledge it for the time being.

[color=f49ac2]"My apologies, Lady Hraeslag. I did not mean to interrupt an important conversation. I merely wished to express my gratitude to you for treating me so well. I do not know if this is the sort of thing you might like, [i]p[/i]ut I made it myself, and if nothing else, I think it would serve as a darling conversation piece for visitors,"[/color] Lirrah said, holding the stuffed frog knight up to her. She allowed a demure sort of blush to creep up on her cheeks. Then, she turned to acknowledge Velvetica's brother.

[color=f49ac2]"Good afternoon. I am Lirrah Matayannah, the head of the Matayannah Trading Company. I have [i]p[/i]een in your sister's care for a couple of months now, and she is an a[i]p[/i]solute delight. I am pleased to finally make your acquaintance."[/color]