[color=9e0b0f][i][h1] [center]Londo Xad[/center][/h1][/i][/color] Londo woke up from his bed feeling excited about working on the USS Tucker. Although he had to admit that he was quite nervous. He did not know if he would be an effective doctor and not be able to help his fellow crewmembers. He took a few deep breaths before finally calming down and getting ready for the ceremony. Grabbing his things before walking off conversing with a few ensigns and officers he had befriended. Mostly says his goodbyes and that he will contact them whenever available. Londo quickly made his way towards the conference room, taking a seat someplace in the middle of the room. Listening intensely to Admiral April’s speech. Reminding himself to not make any mistakes while stationed on the USS Tucker. But he once again took a deep breath to calm himself down. Saying to himself that he would be an effective doctor and a valued member of the crew. Quickly standing up and lining up with the other cadets. Listening to his name being called and what ship he was assisted to. Nodding his head in acknowledgement he went to his quarters to pack everything he would need. Two hours later he would arrive at the shuttle bay in front of The Duke. “[color=9e0b0f][i]Londo Xad chief medical officer reporting for duty sir.[/i][/color]” He said with a heel click and a salute.