[center][h1][b][color=gold]Lillianna[/color][/b][/h1][/center] [quote]"Of course, please sit down," she told the mage and she nodded to Fredrick when brought her meal. When Zell arrived at the table, Fredrick brought his order too and she turned to Zell. "You have a good appetite in the morning," she commented. Ready to dig into her own meal, the next to join them was James, also asking to sit with them. "The more the merrier," was all she said about it before taking a bite.[/quote] At least she could notice the man this time, unlike her unfortune faux-pas the prior day. Though Zell being able to go invisible somehow felt worrying to her inherently for reasons she couldn't put a finger on. Whatever the case, she gave him a silent but friendly wave before placing her other with Fredrick after he brought the orders for the other two. Not too long after, perhaps because she'd ordered something more common for people to get her she supposed, her order of a hot ham, cheese, and egg sandwich came out piping hot. Albeit the order seemed larger than she'd tried to ask Fredrick to bring her....and had extra meat and eggs and cheest on it to boot. [quote]"Hey" He gestured to the empty chair "Can I sit?" [/quote] [quote]Ready to dig into her own meal, the next to join them was James, also asking to sit with them. "The more the merrier," was all she said about it before taking a bite.[/quote] [color=gold]"Of course,"[/color] the mage said, trying to maintain a polite tone despite the awkward memories of the last conversation they'd had the other day....hmm. Yes, she had been a total weirdo when told about talking in her sleep, though at least Adam had confirmed what she'd said during their own conversation the prior night. Not that the awkwnardness of just thinking about having done that wasn't mortifying still... At any rate, the cleric seemed to want to talk about something to Fenna first. With that in mind, the mage began to dig into her protein-filled breakfast. She wasn't perhaps as voracious outwardly as Zell was with his food, and that was saying something, but when the mage began to dig in her body began to react to it all quite distinctly. The need for protein and an intake of something delicious, and it didn't take long for the mage to breifly space out in eating her food as her appetite for breakfast came out swinging in front of her teammates. Well, at least until she caught James finishing talking to Fenna and then suddenly addressing herself and Zell. [quote]"See I think that when we 'crossed over' we all were given a something extra, like Zell ability to teleport or Adam's green touch, I don't know by what or by whom but if I am right then that Falcon -It's a falcon right?- may be part of yours, what do you think?" He glanced at the wizard and swordsman "What do you think guys? you both are smart"[/quote] Lillianna paused suddenly in the middle of a bite, quietly closing her mouth and setting the almost half-devoured giant sandwich onto her plate gently. That was a good point, actually, that their elected party leader had brought up. A very good question in fact, one that she felt somewhat embarassed hadn't come to mind for her earlier. Not that there had been much chance to ponder everything given what they'd been through prior to getting to Valheim. Indeed, the mage's eyebrows furrowed in thought as she wiped off her hands and breifly looked down at the table as her right hand came up to touch her chin in a 'thinker' type of posture. [quote]Zell was taken aback by being called 'smart,' and performatively checked behind himself to make sure James wasn't talking to someone else. "Smart? You've got the wrong guy," he said with his mouth full. He swallowed everything in one big (and painful) gulp, then continued. "But I have a feeling you guys are spot-on the money with your guesswork. And it all comes back to that message at the Adventurer's Guild. We need to open it. It could have all the answers we need. Not long now. We go to this temple. We kill a few evil spirits. Job done. We get to the message." Zell took another massive bite. "Easy."[/quote] She and Zell were in agreement about the 'smart' thing in the sense of book smarts and that type of thing, though intelligence overall had its own variations. Book smarts, street smarts, etc. Even so, she did look up and nod in general agreement as Zell spoke about the message they had yet to read at the Adventurer's Guild perhaps being related to their situation. A message locked behind a certain rank no less, though if it was so dire there shuld have been a way to look at it earlier. Eh, but now she was getting off-track. [color=gold]"Ususally if we go by the logic of 'tropes', something or someone likely brought us all here. Not just that, but with gifts of some kind that we didn't possess before. That speaks to a purpose of some sort as well in our 'summoning', as it were, though to what end? Defeat the evil queen and her forces?"[/color] Following Occam's Razor, that would seem to be the precise point. Summoned, fell into a warzone, could beat up things and do stuff that wasn't fully 'normal' for those starting off in the world they had landed in, etc. But it was also a ludicrous thought, just as much as their situation was, so until evidence or such to the contrary came to light she'd have to maintain her spur-of-the-moment hypothesis at least. Or something of the sort. Around this time, Fredrick would walky back by, lightly tapping the mage on the shoulder. Something akin to a knowing twinkle seemed to glint in his eyes to boot. "Apologies for interrupin' for a second, but did you enjoy yer' meal miss?" [color=gold]"I...ah...yes! Yes I did. Though its larger than I had expected. I do seem to need such this morning though...my thanks, Fredrick."[/color] The man would give a knowing nod and a low chuckle before walking off again, though as the mage looked around it seemed as if James and MacKensie and Zell were already getting up to walk away. Did she say something wrong? Or-...oh! Perhaps he simply wanted to speak with them privately. Ah. Wasn't her business anywho, really, though her eyebrows raised up as a realization came to Lillianna's mind. Afterward, her right hand came up and slapped her own forehead before she rested it again on the table proper. She hadn't the chance to bring up her 'side trip' idea to the group! The idea to stop by a certain village along the way and look into the matter of that dead adventurer who had assisted them and such. That idea. Nor had she asked about the new party member she'd yet to meet at all in person as of yet! Letting out a wordless and drawn-out sigh, the mage would return her attention to her breakfast once more. To hands would pick up her almost-half sandwich once more, before bringing it up to take another large bite out of it. If she was going to finally say her piece to the group and such, she needed the energy at least. Besides, perhaps it was also time to go visit the Academy today to see if she could peruse any of the literature or tomes there for magical information. ...Though if her current track record in a new world was of any indication, as small and short in length as it was anyway, she'd arrive just in time to find the stupid core placed in a golem going on a rampage across campus.